Adaptive Cards community call – August 2022
Call summary
In this month’s community call, get an overview of the React Native Adaptive Cards Renderer and on usage of the React Native Adaptive Cards SDK in a Microsoft Viva Connections mobile app and in a LUIS chatbot app delivered by CEO & Founder – Vasanthakumar Sarpasayanam and his team at BigThinkCode. The community-supported React Native renderer for Adaptive Cards is maintained by BigThinkCode. There was a 10-minute Q&A covering a host of topics. This call was hosted by J.P. Roca (Microsoft) | @jpthepm. Recorded on August 11, 2022.
- React Native Adaptive Cards Renderer – Vasanthakumar Sarpasayanam (BigThinkCode) – 00:34
- Using the React Native Adaptive Cards Renderer in a Microsoft Viva Connections Mobile App – Vasanthakumar Sarpasayanam (BigThinkCode) – 20:01
- Q&A – J.P. Roca (Microsoft) | @jpthepm – 30:50
Topic summary
- React Native Adaptive Cards Renderer - Adaptive Cards overview, React Native (RN) Adaptive Cards deep dive with implementation details. How to integrate RN adaptive card with your app? How can you extend RN adaptive card component in RN way? Development roadmap, contributing to RN Adaptive Cards open-source software OSS, Q&A.
- Using the React Native Adaptive Cards Renderer in a Microsoft Viva Connections Mobile App - Showcasing the use of the React Native Adaptive Cards SDK in a Microsoft Viva Connections app and an E-commerce Microsoft LUIS based chatbot for purposes of reducing customer care queries and chat-based shopping experience.
BigThinkCode presenters
- Vasanthakumar S | vasanth-s
- Balaji Rajendran | BalajiR
- Vivek Kozhisseri | vivekvijayakrishnan
- Ibrahim Sulaiman | ibrahimsulai
- Pragadeesh Kanagavel | pragadeeshk
- Tool
- Tool npm - adaptivecards-reactnative
- Repo - BigThinkcode/AdaptiveCards
- Documentation - ReactNative Renderer
- Contributor
- Issues - submit bugs
- Review - source code changes
- Contribute - bug fixes
- Guideline - Microsoft Open Source - Code of Conduct
- Pic2Card
- Repo - Pic2Card
- Article - Pic2Card Service Now available on Adaptive Card Designer
- Viva Connections
- Video – Demo of Viva Connections
- Website - Microsoft Viva Connections
- Documentation - Overview of Viva Connections Extensibility
- Extensions - Adaptive Card Extension Design Gallery
- Opt into PnP Recognition Program | https://aka.ms/m365pnp-recognition
- Register for the Microsoft 365 Developer Program and get a free developer tenant
- Get started with free training modules covering Microsoft 365 platform capabilities.
- Visit the Microsoft 365 Unified Sample Solution Gallery from Microsoft and community.
- Request a Demo spot on the call – https://aka.ms/m365pnp/request/demo
- Download the recurrent invite for this call – https://aka.ms/spdev-sig-call
- Join us on September 8th at 09:00 am PT, Download the recurrent invite for this call – https://aka.ms/adaptivecardscommunitycall
Resources in general
- Let us know the features you need https://aka.ms/ACRoadmap
- Schema Explorer - https://adaptivecards.io/explorer/Action.Execute.html
- Designer - https://adaptivecards.io/designer/
- Get started with Templating - https://aka.ms/ACTemplating
- Browse the Adaptive Cards Code & Contribution Guidelines - https://aka.ms/ACRepo
- Find tools, sample cards and more - https://www.madewithcards.io
- Issues creating AC interfaces https://github.com/microsoft/AdaptiveCards/discussions
Stay connected
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/microsoft365dev
- Recurrent Invite - https://aka.ms/adaptivecardscommunitycall
- Next call – September 8th at 09:00am PT
Learn more
- Microsoft 365 Unified Sample gallery - https://aka.ms/m365/samples
- Microsoft 365 Platform Community in YouTube - https://aka.ms/m365/videos
- Microsoft 365 Platform Community - https://aka.ms/m365pnp/community