Adaptive Cards community call – January 2022
Call summary
The following topics are covered in this month’s community call: Adaptive Cards and the Power Platform to solve captchas (Use RPA, Adaptive Cards actionable messaging and Power Automate to resolve captcha challenges remotely on desktop or mobile) - Tomasz Poszytek (MVP), Website Updates (Blog posts for previous community calls, new samples for all 1.5 features!) - J.P. Roca (Microsoft) and Q&A – members of the Developer and PM teams fielded questions on a host of topics for the last 15 minutes on this call. This call was hosted by J.P. Roca (Microsoft) | @jpthepm. Recorded on January 13, 2022.
- Adaptive Cards and the Power Platform to solve captchas - Tomasz Poszytek (MVP) | @TomaszPoszytek – 00:25
- Website Updates - J.P. Roca (Microsoft) | @jpthepm – 25:15
- Q&A - with members of Microsoft Developer and PM teams – 27:11
Adaptive Cards and the Power Platform to solve captchas - Issue: Bot task execution halted by a captcha challenge. Solution: Outlook Actionable message capability, an Adaptive Card, 2 Power Automate flows and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to remove hurdle. Configure actionable e-mail provider. RPA captures Captcha image and calls a flow that sends Adaptive card prompting user to action. User checks boxes on Adaptive Card that verifies time-out is not exceeded (requiring new capture) and RPA resolves challenge.
New Samples for v1.5 features:
- Application login
- Flight update table
- Input form with rtl
- Order confirmation
- Order delivery
- Restaurant order
Referenced in this call
Demo - Solving reCaptcha v2 challenge with Power Automate Desktop
Demo - Actionable Messages using Adaptive Cards - ultimate guide
YouTube Channel - Tomasz Poszytek
Blog post – Get started with Adaptive Cards
November Adaptive Cards Community call demo - Viva Connections + Adaptive Cards 🤝 - Emily Lynam (Microsoft), Max Kulakov (Microsoft), and Siddharth Gulati (Microsoft) | @sidvaani – 00:45
Resources in General
- Let us know the features you need https://aka.ms/ACRoadmap
- Schema Explorer - https://adaptivecards.io/explorer/Action.Execute.html
- Designer - https://adaptivecards.io/designer/
- Get started with Templating - https://aka.ms/ACTemplating
- Browse the Adaptive Cards Code - https://aka.ms/ACRepo
- Find tools, sample cards and more - https://www.madewithcards.io
- Contribution Guidelines – https://aka.ms/ACRepo
Stay connected
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/microsoft365dev
- YouTube - https://aka.ms/M365PnP/videos
- Blog - https://aka.ms/m365pnp/community/blog
- Recurrent Invite - https://aka.ms/adaptivecardscommunitycall
- Next call – February 10th at 09:00am PST