Adaptive Cards Community Call - July 2021
Covered off in this month’s “conversational” community call:
A lap around MadeWithCards.io community site (guidance, cards, tools, news and updates by and for Adaptive Cards Community that nicely complements the content found on Microsoft’s Adaptive Cards site).
Also toured Adaptive Card Studio - VS Code Extension (Cards, templates, sample data, snippets, guidance, etc).
As well, two new program managers - Rahul and J.P., are welcomed to the Adaptive Cards team.
There is Q&A throughout the call. This call was hosted by Matt Hidinger (Microsoft) | @MattHidinger. Guest presenter is Tim Cadenbach (MAXIMAGO) | @TimCadenbach. Recorded on July 8, 2021.
- A lap around MadeWithCards.io community site - an assemblage of guidance, cards, tools, news and updates by and for Adaptive Cards Community and Microsoft that nicely complements the content found on Microsoft’s Adaptive Cards site. A great place to learn from and share your work with other members of the community.
- Adaptive Card Studio – VS Code Extension - a great place to
work on cards in Visual Studio Code. Install extension from
marketplace or VS Code. When extension is on your machine, it will
list all Adaptive Cards in system including those cards on
MadeWithCards.io community site and pulled from
AdaptiveCards.io/designer site. Cards, templates, sample data,
snippets, guidance, card submissions, full syntax highlighting and
- Also a sneak peek at MadeWithCards API – work in progress.
Referenced in this call
- Tools – Adaptive Card Studio
- Website - MadeWithCards.io
- Tools – Microsoft Teams Developer Portal (Preview)
- Documentation - Universal Action Model
- Video - Deep dive into Universal Actions for Microsoft Teams and Outlook
Resources in General
- Let us know the features you need https://aka.ms/ACRoadmap
- Schema Explorer - https://adaptivecards.io/explorer/Action.Execute.html
- Designer - https://adaptivecards.io/designer/
- Get started with Templating - https://aka.ms/ACTemplating
- Browse the Adaptive Cards Code - https://aka.ms/ACRepo
- Find tools, sample cards and more - https://www.madewithcards.io
Stay connected
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/microsoft365dev
- YouTube - https://aka.ms/M365DevYouTube
- Blog - https://aka.ms/m365pnp/community/blog
- Recurrent Invite - https://aka.ms/adaptivecardscommunitycall
- Next call – August 12th at 09:00am PDT