Adaptive Cards community call – October 2022
Call summary
The focus in this month’s community call is Building Windows 11 Widgets with Adaptive Cards and post demo related Q&A. This call was hosted by J.P. Roca (Microsoft) | @jpthepm. Recorded on October 13, 2022.
- Building Windows 11 Widgets with Adaptive Cards – J.P. Roca (Microsoft) | @jpthepm
Topic summary
- Building Windows 11 Widgets with Adaptive Cards – what are widgets, 3rd party widget platform, development environment prerequisites and 3 steps for creating your Win32 Widget. 1) design widget (using Adaptive Cards), 2) implement IWidgetProvider interface (methods for handling communications between widgets board and your app), and 3) register widget (changes to APPX Manifest). Deploy widget. Widget development does not require Windows developer, does require Windows App SDK 1.2 Preview 2 and referenced guidance.
- Documentation - Widgets overview | aka.ms/widgetdocs
- Documentation - Widget providers | aka.ms/widgetdevdocs
- Documentation - Implement a widget provider in a win32 app
- Repo - Implement a widget provider in a win32 app
- Repo – Windows App SDK 1.2 Preview 2
- Tool – Adaptive Cards Designer
- Documentation – Widget provider package manifest XML format
- Feedback – Want to contribute to Microsoft Adaptive Cards?
- Opt into PnP Recognition Program | https://aka.ms/m365pnp-recognition
- Register for the Microsoft 365 Developer Program and get a free developer tenant
- Get started with free training modules covering Microsoft 365 platform capabilities.
- Visit the Microsoft 365 Unified Sample Solution Gallery from Microsoft and community.
- Request a Demo spot on the call – https://aka.ms/m365pnp/request/demo
- Join us on November 10th at 09:00 am PT, Download the recurrent invite for this call – https://aka.ms/adaptivecardscommunitycall
Resources in general
- Let us know the features you need https://aka.ms/ACRoadmap
- Schema Explorer - https://adaptivecards.io/explorer/Action.Execute.html
- Designer - https://adaptivecards.io/designer/
- Get started with Templating - https://aka.ms/ACTemplating
- Browse the Adaptive Cards Code & Contribution Guidelines - https://aka.ms/ACRepo
- Find tools, sample cards and more - https://www.madewithcards.io
- Issues creating AC interfaces https://github.com/microsoft/AdaptiveCards/discussions
Stay connected
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/microsoft365dev
- Recurrent Invite - https://aka.ms/adaptivecardscommunitycall
Learn more
- Microsoft 365 Unified Sample gallery - https://aka.ms/m365/samples
- Microsoft 365 Platform Community in YouTube - https://aka.ms/m365/videos
- Microsoft 365 Platform Community - https://aka.ms/m365pnp/community