Microsoft 365 PnP Weekly - Episode 162
In this installment of the weekly discussion revolving around the latest news and topics on Microsoft 365, hosts – Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) | @vesajuvonen, Waldek Mastykarz (Microsoft) | @waldekm are joined by Stockholm, Sweden based Principal Program Manager, Wictor Wilén (Microsoft) | @wictor.
Topics discussed in this session
- Wictor’s new role as Principal Program Manager in Microsoft People Services organization
- His focus on the people experiences in the Microsoft ecosystem - people profile details, pictures and so on
- Updated focus on the profile improvements in Microsoft 365
- Differences between designing services for consumer and business areas
- Centralized services and experiences around personal information and upcoming plans for both 1st party and 3rd party
- Importance of privacy and transparency on the collected information in cloud
We also covered 17 articles published by Microsoft and the PnP Community over the last week.
This week
- Wictor – Writing specifications on the upcoming features - focusing on preparing for upcoming planning week
- Waldek – Preparing for the upcoming TechDays event and usual rhythm of open-source and community engagement
- Vesa – prepping for Microsoft Build – May 24–26, 2022, and for the next release SPFx v1.15 beta with List extensibility (custom forms for creating, viewing and editing an item) capability.
Please remember to keep on providing us feedback on how we can help on this journey. We always welcome feedback on making the community more inclusive and diverse.
This session was recorded on Monday, April 11, 2022. Enjoy the show.
- Video at Microsoft 365 Community YouTube channel.
- Podcast at https://pnpweekly.podbean.com.
These videos and podcasts are published each week and are intended to be roughly 45 - 60 minutes in length. Please do give us feedback on this video and podcast series and also do let us know if you have done something cool/useful so that we can cover that in the next weekly summary! The easiest way to let us know is to share your work on Twitter and add the hashtag #PnPWeekly. We are always on the lookout for refreshingly new content. “Sharing is caring!”
Here are all the links and people mentioned in this recording. Thanks, everyone for your contributions to the community!
Microsoft articles
- April 2022 – Viva Topics Integrations with Teams, Syntex, Outlook and Yammer - Chris McNulty (Microsoft) | @cmcnulty2000
- “Loop, there it is!” – The Intrazone podcast - Mark Kashman (Microsoft) | @mkashman
- Most used SharePoint Framework solutions from the Store - March 2022 - Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) | @vesajuvonen
- Get inspired with Microsoft 365 apps at Microsoft Tech Days - Microsoft
- Two conferences in one! 365 EduCon & PWR EduCon - Seattle, WA - Mark Kashman (Microsoft) | @mkashman
- Microsoft 365 Platform Call – 12th of April 2022 - Wellbeing sample - Waldek Mastykarz (Microsoft) | @waldekm, Anoop Tatti (Content+Cloud) | @anooptells
- Introducing the new Power Automate pane in Power Apps! - Tasha Scott (Microsoft)
Community articles
- Save data to app personal folder - Adam Wójcik (Hitachi Energy) | @Adam25858782
- How to use oh-my-posh with PnPPowerShell - Luise Freese | @LuiseFreese
- How to query Azure Monitor Log Analytics in Logic Apps with a Managed Identity - Luise Freese | @LuiseFreese
- M365 Dev Podcast - Development Topics with Andrew Connell - Andrew Connell (Voitanos) | @andrewconnell, Jeremy Thake (Microsoft) | @jthake & Paul Schaeflein (AddIn365) | @paulschaeflein
- Calling Microsoft Graph with PnP PowerShell - Todd Klindt (Sympraxis Consulting) | @ToddKlindt
- Power Apps Containers for Gallery Columns - Laura Rogers (IW Mentor) | @wonderlaura
- Will Microsoft Loop improve adoption of Teams channels? - Phil Worrell (Swisscom) | @Worrelpa
- Episode #201 - Using the AdaptiveCardHost component in SPFx solutions - Paolo Pialorsi (PiaSys) | @PaoloPia
- Want to contribute your knowledge to Microsoft Docs? Check out how - April Dunnam (Microsoft) | @aprildunnam
Additional resources
- Wellbeing days requests and reminder - Adaptive Cards Extensions and Teams personal app - GitHub
- Microsoft Tech Days - Have a seat with Microsoft 365 developer platform | Thursday, May 5, 2022
- 365 EduCon - Seattle and PWR EduCon - Seattle - May 9-13, 2022
- Book - Angela Duckworth - Grit - The Power of Passion and perseverance
- Microsoft 365 Unified Sample Gallery - https://aka.ms/m365/samples
- PnP Sharing is Caring initiative - Getting started guidance and training for using GitHub and contributing to the community
- Want to ask a question or in general engage with the community - Add a note in the Microsoft 365 Platform Community hub at https://aka.ms/m365pnp/community
- Check out all the great community calls, SDKs, and tooling for Microsoft 365 from https://aka.ms/m365pnp
If you’d like to hear from a specific community member in an upcoming recording and/or have specific questions for Microsoft 365 engineering or visitors – please let us know. We will do our best to address your requests or questions.
“Sharing is caring!”