Microsoft 365 PnP Weekly - Episode 177
In this installment of the weekly discussion revolving around the latest news and topics on Microsoft 365, hosts – Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) | @vesajuvonen, Waldek Mastykarz (Microsoft) | @waldekm are joined by UK-based Kevin McDonnell, Head of Practice Modern Workplace at CPS, Microsoft MVP (Office Apps & Services) | @kevmcdonk
Topics discussed in this session
- The role of a Practice Lead
- How to stay up to date on everything?
- What is the top noise in the UK these days?
- Microsoft Viva adoption - how the many elements of Microsoft Viva and the single “all-in” Viva license are driving adoption.
- How Viva Insights is garnering remote employee sentiment and Viva Engage is driving remote connections.
- The challenge - how to humanize asynchronous communications/working in a way that also satisfies an individual’s need for social interaction/connection.
- The human need for timely, personal relevant social reactions.
Resources referenced during discussion
- Viva Explorers – https://www.vivaexplorers.com/
- Book - https://tonyfadell.com/the-book/
- Event September 22nd - Empowering Your Workforce in Economic Uncertainty - Satya Nadella, https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-viva/event
- Podcast Series - GreyHatBeardPrincess Podcast | @greyhatbeard
- Documentation - Introduction to Microsoft Viva Goals
Also, we showcased 17 articles/videos published by Microsoft and the PnP Community in the last week.
Action requested
Thinking like a Principal Software Engineer, should we have the capability (related to Power Apps article discussed in this session) to auto-generate code for Microsoft Teams apps, SharePoint Framework applications, etc.? Will you relate to us a scenario for integrating SPFx and Power Apps? In what cases would you think about writing Power Apps components for SPFx? Please get back to us.
Please remember to keep on providing us feedback on how we can help on this journey. We always welcome feedback on making the community more inclusive and diverse.
This session was recorded on Monday, September 5, 2022.
- Video at Microsoft 365 Community YouTube channel.
- Podcast at https://pnpweekly.podbean.com.
These videos and podcasts are published each week and are intended to be roughly 45 - 60 minutes in length. Please do give us feedback on this video and podcast series and also do let us know if you have done something cool/useful so that we can cover that in the next weekly summary! The easiest way to let us know is to share your work on Twitter and add the hashtag #PnPWeekly. We are always on the lookout for refreshingly new content. “Sharing is caring!”
Here are all the links and people mentioned in this recording. Thanks, everyone for your contributions to the community!
Microsoft articles
- Driving adoption of Microsoft Viva at Microsoft - Shin-Yi Lim
- “Datacenters - Think globally, act locally” 🎙 – The Intrazone podcast - Mark Kashman (Microsoft) | @mkashman, Chris McNulty (Microsoft) | @cmcnulty2000, Sean Emam (Microsoft) & Jon Farmer (Microsoft)
- Introducing Microsoft Teams App Camp - Bob German (Microsoft) | @Bob1German
- Public preview of SharePoint Framework 1.16 – First release of upcoming features - Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) | @vesajuvonen
- Account linking with Microsoft Teams single sign-on - Aditya Challapally (Microsoft)
- Microsoft retires Basic Authentication in Exchange Online - Seth Patton (Microsoft) | @SethPat
- How to use Actionable Messages in Outlook with Power Automate - Yeiner Lopez (Microsoft)
- Extend modern commands with custom pages and geospatial mapping - Alfredo Cerritos (Microsoft)
Community articles
- Series: Build Power Apps that don’t look like Power Apps - Material Design part 2 - Luise Freese | @LuiseFreese
- Deploy static web sites with Power Platform - Duvan Baena
- Extend Teams apps to M365 with SSO the right way - Markus Möller (Avanade) | @Moeller2_0
- Unboxing the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) v1.15.2 release - Andrew Connell (Voitanos) | @Andrewconnell
- Introducing Adoption Score - Daniel Glenn (InfoWorks, Inc) | @DanielGlenn, Darrell Webster (Modern Workplace Change) | @darrellaas
- Customize list forms with SharePoint Framework form customizers - Waldek Mastykarz (Microsoft) | @waldekm
- Episode #220 - Using the Search Verticals Web Part of PnP Modern Search - Paolo Pialorsi (PiaSys.com) | @PaoloPia
- Power Apps import Excel to SharePoint list or any data source with Power Automate - Shane Young (PowerApps911) | @shanescows
- Power Hour: Power Apps Creator Kit - Laura Rogers (IW Mentor) | @wonderlaura
Additional resources
- PnP Sharing is Caring initiative - Getting started guidance and training for using GitHub and contributing to the community
- Check out all the great community calls, SDKs, and tooling for Microsoft 365 from https://aka.ms/m365/community
If you’d like to hear from a specific community member in an upcoming recording and/or have specific questions for Microsoft 365 engineering or visitors – please let us know. We will do our best to address your requests or questions.
“Sharing is caring!” 🧡