Microsoft 365 PnP Weekly - Episode 235 - Nico De Cleyre

Microsoft 365 PnP Weekly - Episode 235 - Nico De Cleyre

In this episode of the weekly discussion revolving around the latest news and topics on Microsoft 365, host – Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) and Waldek Mastykarz (Microsoft) are joined by Nico De Cleyre - Microsoft 365 developer, Managing Partner in Belgium, Microsoft MVP.

In this episode

  • The journey from developing for SharePoint on-prem to building cloud solutions on Microsoft 365
  • Learning and staying on top of changes in Microsoft 365
  • Building on Power Platform as a pro-dev
  • Journey to become an MVP
  • Why you should consider blogging


This week

  • Nico – interviews with potential new hires, CLI for Microsoft 365 presentation
  • Waldek – working on new content around using Dev Proxy with different technology stacks
  • Vesa – preparing for the MVP Summit, working on community calls

Agenda items

00:00 – Intro

01:06 – Interview

43:36 – Weekly articles

1:00:34 – Closing

Action requested

Please remember to keep on providing us feedback on how we can help on this journey. We always welcome feedback on making the community more inclusive and diverse.

This session was recorded on Monday 5th of February. Session was published on Tuesday 6th of February, 2024.

These videos and podcasts are published each week and are intended to be roughly 45 - 60 minutes in length. Please do give us feedback on this video and podcast series and also do let us know if you have done something cool/useful so that we can cover that in the next weekly summary! The easiest way to let us know is to share your work on Twitter and add the hashtag #PnPWeekly. We are always on the lookout for refreshingly new content. “Sharing is caring!”

Microsoft articles

Community articles



Check out all cool samples from community and from Microsoft. You can access all of them from the Unified Microsoft 365 & Power Platform sample gallery at

Upcoming events

Here are the upcoming events from the centralized Community Days site where you can find in-person, hybrid and online events for Microsoft 365 and more.

Additional resources

If you’d like to hear from a specific community member in an upcoming recording and/or have specific questions for Microsoft 365 engineering or visitors – please let us know. We will do our best to address your requests or questions.

“Sharing is caring!” 🧡