Microsoft Identity Platform community call – June 2023
Call summary
This month’s in-depth topic: Token Customization
Latest changes in token customization that include token claims issuance policy with editor (new) and added custom claims providers. Review optional claims, customizing ID and Access Tokens, adding additional claims, token overage claims, configure a group claim and groups coverage claims. Steps to process groups claim and app roles assigned to users. Should you really be customizing your tokens? Using Microsoft Graph instead of tokens, custom claim providers for data you cannot get from Graph using custom authentication extensions and single sign on – attributes and claims. Presenter - Kyle Marsh, Principal Product Manager (Microsoft). The host of this call was Nandeesh Swami (Microsoft). Q&A takes place in chat and throughout call.
Agenda items
00:00 – Intro - Nandeesh Swami (Microsoft)
01:16 – Topic – Token Customization – Kyle Marsh | @kylemar, Principal Product Manager (Microsoft)
56:22 – Closing
Referenced in the call
- Documentation - Protect your REST API | https://aka.ms/IDDevCustomAuth
- Documentation – Custom claims provider (preview)
- Documentation – Configure a custom claim provider token issuance event (preview)
- Let us know how we’re doing and suggest topics for future calls, please complete this survey https://aka.ms/IDDevCommunityCallSurvey
- Opt into PnP Recognition Program | https://aka.ms/m365pnp-recognition
- Register for the Microsoft 365 Developer Program and get a free developer tenant
- Get started with free training modules covering Microsoft 365 platform capabilities including Learning Path - Implement Microsoft identity – Associate
- Mark your calendar for next call on July 20th at 9:00am PT. Download the recurrent invite for this call | https://aka.ms/IDDevCommunityCalendar
Resources in General
- Documentation - What is the Microsoft identity platform?
- Documentation - Microsoft identity platform documentation
- Developer – Microsoft Identity Platform
- Microsoft 365 Unified Sample gallery - https://aka.ms/m365/samples
Stay connected
- Twitter https://twitter.com/microsoft365dev and @azuread
- See the full blog post for this call in the Microsoft 365 platform community blog - https://aka.ms/community/blog
- Microsoft 365 Unified Sample gallery - https://aka.ms/community/samples
- Microsoft 365 Platform Community in YouTube - https://aka.ms/community/videos
- Microsoft 365 Platform Community - https://aka.ms/community/home