SharePoint Framework Community Call -- 4th of November, 2021

SharePoint Framework Community Call -- 4th of November, 2021

SharePoint Framework Special Interest Group (SIG) bi-weekly community call recording from November 4th is now available from the Microsoft 365 Community YouTube channel at You can use SharePoint Framework for building solutions for Microsoft Teams and for SharePoint Online.

Call summary

Tune in each Tuesday for the Microsoft 365 platform community call.  Featured topics for the November 9th call - Introduction to Embedded Search Box (Shubham Gatkal) and Progressive Web Apps and Microsoft Learn Module - Extend Microsoft Viva Connections with Adaptive Card Extensions (Waldek Mastykarz & Vesa Juvonen). Register for training events in November – December hosted by Sharing is Caring. Register for the PnP Recognition Program.   Adaptive Card Extensions (ACEs) design guidance is now available.  SharePoint Framework v1.13 is now GA with Viva Connections extensibility support. Engineering focus laid out in Road Ahead for SPFx v1.14.  PnP project releases in the last two weeks - PnPjs Client-Side Libraries v3.0.0 Preview, CLI for Microsoft 365 v4.2.0 Preview, and PnP Modern Search v4.4.1 Preview.   **Latest project updates include: ** (Bold indicates update from previous report 2 weeks ago) 

PnP Project Current version Release/Status SharePoint Framework (SPFx) v1.13.0 GA v1.14.0 January target PnPjs Client-Side Libraries v2.10.0 GA, v3.0.0 Preview nightly builds of v3 CLI for Microsoft 365 v4.0.0 GA, v4.2.0 Preview   Reusable SPFx React Controls v2.9.0 (SPFx v1.11), v3.4.0 3.5.0 with SPFx v1.13 support is coming soon Reusable SPFx React Property Controls v2.7.0 (SPFx v1.11), v3.2.0 (SPFx v1.12.1) 3.3.0 with SPFx v1.13 support is coming soon PnP SPFx Generator v1.16.0 v1.17.0 on the way PnP Modern Search v4.4.1 Preview, v4.3.0 & v3.21.0 Release expected any day

Additionally, there was 1 extension, 5 web part and 3 ACE samples delivered! Outstanding! Your contributions are greatly appreciated by many. The host of this call is Patrick Rodgers (Microsoft) | @mediocrebowler. Q&A takes place as always in chat throughout the call.



  • Microsoft 365 Tenant Service Health - Viva Connections Adaptive Card Extension – building an ACE to keep Tenant Admins up to date on tenant service health via mobile and desktop devices. The extension uses card view and multiple quick views to display affected issues and services in a tenant. Microsoft Graph is used to get service health data (issues). Submit action handling in ACE and Quick View, theme-based display. Complete and neatly delivered code walkthrough.

  • React News Web Part – presentation opens with a demo of the SPFx ReactNewsWebpart that displays thumbnail, article, link to article, preview description, creation date, likes and comments from SharePoint site(s) the logged in user is authorized to view. In properties, select display style (stack, single), show author, and select sites to search.  Nice code step through until technical issues prematurely ended the demo.  

  • SPFx Design Patterns - Custom Properties (Part 1) an overview of OOB Property Field Types – Boolean, Choice, Slider… with practical tips for deciding which types to use to deliver concise and predictable options to user. This demo was cut short due to technical issues, so Part 2 to be delivered in a future call, will focus on custom - not out-of-the-box Property Field Types you may want to add to your solution.

SPFx extension samples:  (

SPFx web part samples:  (

* to be posted soon. **PnP SPFx ACEs  **

  • Today’s Lunch Information*Luis Mañez | @luismanez

  • Service Health - Updates*Anoop Tatti | @anooptells

  • Transport for London Status* - Updates – Anoop Tatti | @anooptells

* to be posted soon. Thank you for your great work.  Samples are often showcased in Demos.    

Agenda items


  • D1:  Microsoft 365 Tenant Service Health - Viva Connections Adaptive Card Extension – Anoop Tatti (Content+Cloud) | @anooptells [–][ 19:26]

  • D2:  React News Web Part – Alison Collins | ReactIntern [–][ 43:21]

  • D3:  SPFx Design Patterns - Custom Properties – Hugo Bernier (Microsoft) | @bernierh [–][ 32:47]


Additional resources around the covered topics and links from the slides.

General resources

Other topics mentioned

  • SharePoint dev documentation

  • SharePoint dev issue list Upcoming calls | Recurrent invites:  (Subject to Updates in September)

  • Microsoft 365 platform call – November 9th at 8:00 am PDT |

  • Office add-in monthly call – November10th at 8:00 am PDT |

  • M365 General Dev call – November 11th at 7:00 am PDT |

  • Adaptive Cards monthly call –November 11th at 9:00 am PDT |

  • Power Apps monthly call– November 17th at 8:00 am PDT |

  • SharePoint Framework call – November 18th at 7:00 am PDT |

  • Microsoft Identity Platform call – November 18th at 9:00 am PDT | PnP SharePoint Framework Special Interest Group bi-weekly calls are targeted at anyone who is interested in the JavaScript-based development towards Microsoft Teams, SharePoint Online, and also on-premises. SIG calls are used for the following objectives.

  • SharePoint Framework engineering update from Microsoft

  • Talk about PnP JavaScript Core libraries

  • CLI for Microsoft 365 Updates

  • SPFx reusable controls

  • PnP SPFx Yeoman generator

  • Share code samples and best practices

  • Possible engineering asks for the field - input, feedback, and suggestions

  • Cover any open questions on the client-side development

  • Demonstrate SharePoint Framework in practice in Microsoft Teams or SharePoint context

  • You can download a recurrent invite from Welcome and join the discussion!

“Sharing is caring”

Microsoft 365 PnP team, Microsoft - 5th of November 2021