SharePoint Framework Community Call Recording -- 25th of March, 2021

SharePoint Framework Special Interest Group (SIG) bi-weekly community call recording from March 25th is now available from the Microsoft 365 Community YouTube channel at You can use SharePoint Framework for building solutions for Microsoft Teams and for SharePoint Online.

Call summary

Welcome Luise Freese | @LuiseFreese to the Sharing is Caring team and Joel Rodrigues | @JoelFMRodrigues who is a new maintainer on the Reusable SPFx Controls team.  ** Register now for April trainings on Sharing-is-caring.  ** SharePoint Framework v1.12 has been deprecated due to unexpected regressions.   Discussion later in the call on SharePoint Framework v1.12.1 capabilities to be released shortly.  Latest project updates include:  PnPjs Client-Side Libraries v2.3.0 released and please provide feedback on v3.0 Hub planning and discussion issues posted - issue #1636.  CLI for Microsoft 365 GA v3.7 delivered.   Reusable SPFx React Controls – v2.6.0 and v3.0.0 (SPFx v1.12 support) and Reusable SPFx React Property Controls – v2.5.0 and v3.0.0 (SPFx v1.12 support) delivered.   Released PnP SPFx Generator v1.16.0 (Angular 11 supported), PnP Modern Search v3.18.1 released March 9th and v4.1.0 released March 20th.     There were six PnP SPFx web part samples delivered last 2 weeks.  Great work!    The host of this call is Patrick Rodgers (Microsoft) @mediocrebowler.  Q&A takes place in chat throughout the call.



  1. Building extension to save documents as PDF in tenant document libraries - updated list extension first created 2 years ago for converting one or more selected documents into pdfs using internal SharePoint REST APIs.  2 methods – Export (create) and Save As (download).  Saves pdfs to current library.  Step through the conversion and render code - copy entire document and metadata to blob, writes data into pdf.   Tenant wide extension automatically created in App Catalog.

  2. Sending messages to Microsoft Teams using Microsoft Graph from SharePoint Framework solution - a simple web part for sending a message from a SharePoint page to a recipient’s mailbox or into a Microsoft Teams chat using Microsoft Graph.  Conversation elements include send email, my profile information, target user’s principal name, get chat ID (determines if existing chat or creates new).  Uses Graph APIs, PnP People Picker, React hooks and code snippets in Graph Explorer.


Latest on SharePoint Framework – SPFx v1.12.1 includes additional functionality over v1.12 for creating complex Microsoft Teams solutions including SPFx elements.  In addition to corrections to SPFx v1.12, v1.12.1 includes Node v12/v14 and Gulp support, more access to page structure, embed manifest configuration option, support for Teams meeting apps and for Microsoft Teams SDK v1.8.  Post v1.12.1 – integration in Microsoft Viva Connections, Teams Development, Store, Communications and Quality improvements.     

SPFx extension samples:  (

  • No new or updated extensions last week

SPFx web part samples:  (

Agenda items


  • Building extension to save documents as PDF in tenant document librariesMikael Svenson (Microsoft) | @MikaelSvenson
  • Sending messages to Microsoft Teams using Microsoft Graph from SharePoint Framework solutionDavid Ramalho (Storm Technology) | @davRamalho

**Update: **


Additional resources around the covered topics and links from the slides.

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“Sharing is caring”