Office Add-ins developer platform community call – April 12th, 2023
Office Add-ins developer platform community call - April 12, 2023
This month’s agenda and presenters
The call was hosted by Preethika Kiruveedula, Product Manager, Microsoft.
- Word Extensibility APIs (Preview) - April 2023. Yun Wang, Principal Product Manager, Microsoft.
- Top 5 AppSource Validation Errors December 2022 - February 2023.Elizabeth Samuel, Senior Technical Writer, Microsoft.
- Q&A. See question and answers at end of call and in chat throughout call. Preethika Kiruveedula, Product Manager, Microsoft.
View video segments
- Introduction 00:00
- Word Extensibility Update for April 2023 00:46
- Top 5 AppSource Validation Errors during December 2022 to February 2023 11:13
- Q&A 20:00
- Resources 24:37
- Closing 25:33
Topic summaries
- Word Extensibility Updates - April 2023. Results and insights from two surveys. Structured document content usage in Word add-ins. Questions on types of content controls, control events, and types of fields used. New capabilities highlighted: plain text content control API, new fields, and six events in preview. Auto launching add-ins. This survey assessed an understanding of auto launch for add-ins and scenarios where add-ins should be automatically launched and automatically installed.
- Top 5 AppSource Validation Errors December 2022 - February 2023. The presenter focuses on causes and how to avoid top AppSource validation errors affecting Office Add-ins’ submissions and she highlights supporting AppSource policies. In the last three months, top validation errors included: App does not work on Office for Mac, functionality doesn’t work as described, Outlook add-in doesn’t work on Safari, privacy policy unavailable or insufficient, and app provides insufficient value.
Call to action
- Join a community panel – product focused add-in discussion groups.
- Register for the PnP Recognition Program and earn contributor badges.
- Follow channels on Twitter to see call agendas, important updates, and release announcements.
- Register for the Microsoft 365 Developer Program and get a free E5 developer tenant with instant availability and other assets.
- Next community call on May 10th at 8:00 AM Pacific Time.
- Please complete the Office add-in developing experience survey.
Q&A (Question & Answers)
What is the recommended front end technology to create an Excel add-in? React, Angular, Blazor? Thanks in advance!
You can use your preferred framework to develop an Excel add-in. To learn more, see Develop Office Add-ins. We also invite you to try out the Use React to build an Excel task pane add-in and Use Angular to build an Excel task pane add-in tutorials.
When will the FileInsertBase64 be released into full production?
We’re estimating the FileInsertBase64 method to be released in production in the third quarter of this calendar year (July-Sept 2023).
Resources related to to this blog’s content
- Feedback Repo: Issues – OfficeDev/Office-js
- Add-in: Grammarly for Microsoft Word and Outlook
- Community panels – discussion and feedback:
General Resources
- Documentation
- Quick Starts:
- Script Lab
- Samples
- Microsoft 365 Developer Program
- Office Scripts
- Technical Questions about Office add-ins
- Stack Overflow Questions. Use keywords office-js, outlook-web-addins, or office-scripts.
- Github office-js issues
- Microsoft Tech Community – Submit Feature Requests
- Microsoft 365 Developer Program
Stay connected
- See the full blog post for this call in the Microsoft 365 platform community blog
- Microsoft 365 Unified Sample gallery
- Microsoft 365 Platform Community in YouTube
- Microsoft 365 Platform Community
- Link to all Microsoft Developer Community calls
- Submit questions for next community call
- Next community call – April 12th at 08:00am PT