Office Add-ins developer platform community call – October 11, 2023

Office Add-ins developer platform community call – October 11, 2023

Office Add-ins developer platform community call - October 11, 2023

This month’s agenda and presenters

The call was hosted by Preethika Kiruveedula, Product Manager, Microsoft.

  • Top 5 AppSource Validation Errors June - August 2023 Went over the top 5 validation errors in AppSource between June – August 2023 and shared how to avoid them. Elizabeth Samuel, Senior Technical Writer, Microsoft.

  • Q&A. See question and answers at end of call and in chat throughout call. Preethika Kiruveedula, Product Manager, Microsoft.

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Q&A (Question & Answers)

We are currently working on a proof of concept to migrate (parts of) an existing COM add-in to Office.js. We make extensive use of a task pane that provides the user with ways to interact with the document. In Office Online, when the user clicks on a button in our task pane, the focus from the document is lost. The user needs to manually click into the document to continue working. Is there anyway to pass the focus back from the task pane to the document?

Developers could try .select() of the object they operate. For example, could help to switch the focus back to the end of the range. For more details, please visit: Word.Range class - Office Add-ins | Microsoft Learn

Is improving Office.js performance a priority? Event handlers and interations with content controls can be quite slow, especially at scale. When can we expect improvements in these areas?

We are working on some enhancements for content control performance. However, for this specific ask, we need to understand what specific performance issue here is. eg. What kind of interactions need to be improved.

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