Office Add-in Samples -- September 2021 update

Office Add-in Samples -- September 2021 update

The Office Add-ins developer platform team has new updates to share this month on Office Add-in samples.

Open data from your web site in a spreadsheet in Microsoft Teams


This sample accomplishes the following tasks.

  • Creates a new Excel spreadsheet in Microsoft Teams containing data you define.
  • Embeds your add-in into the Excel spreadsheet.
  • Creates a message in Microsoft Teams with a link to the new spreadsheet.

Check out the code sample: Open data from your web site in a spreadsheet in Microsoft Teams.

Improvements to sample documentation

We created a simple list of Office Add-in samples at Office Add-in code samples - Office Add-ins | Microsoft Docs. This should make it easier to search for and find the samples you need. Let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions about the samples at


Thank you to our contributors who are actively helping each month with the Office Add-ins community effort.

Office Add-ins are part of the Microsoft 365 PnP community. Please consider contributing by going to and helping with PRs, issues, or contributing new samples.

Additional resources