How to contribute to this blog

How to contribute to this blog

Everyone’s voice matters!

We want to publish your content on all things you build with code, low-code, no-code on and around Microsoft 365. This blog is backed by a GitHub repository and all contributions are done by Pull requests.

extensive guidance on how contributing works

If you feel like you need some more support with that, you can

  • Read the full contributing guide (with step-bt-step instructions)
  • Sign up for our Sharing is Caring sessions, where we provide you with hands-on guidance on how to use GitHub, submit samples, contribute to documentation and more.

tl;dr - how to guidance for experienced GitHub users

If you are already familiar with GitHub, please follow this high-level overview:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a new branch that matches the article name that you want to write
  3. In the content/post folder, create your own folder (you may use the title of your post as the name of the folder, use - (dash) instead of (space))
  4. In the newly created folder add an file with your article
  5. Insert metadata at the top of this file and adjust with your values:
# this is the title
title: "this is the title of your blog post"
# this is the publishing date of your article, usually this should match "now"
date: 2022-04-25T08:40:00-04:00
# This is your name
author: "your Name"
# This is your GitHub name
githubname: yourGitHubUserName
# Don't change
categories: ["Community post"]
# Link to the thumbnail image for the post
- images/myImage.png
# don't change
tags: []
# don't change
type: "regular"
  1. Create a new folder images in your article’s folder. In the images folder you may save any image/graphic which may be used in your article
  2. Pull request your changes, targeting the main branch
  3. A maintainer will review, so that your article is published soon

Need help? Have questions?

You can comment below! We will reach out to you as soon as possible!

Sharing is Caring