Flexible and powerful logging using PnP Logging in SPFx


Logging plays an important role in any application. Whether it is a simple or complex app, logging helps you to record not only errors but also other information which you can use to improve your app. In this article, we will see how we can leverage the logging feature provided by PnP to capture different logs while communicating with SharePoint or for any other features implemented in the component  

Understanding the Logging concept by PnP

The logging module can be used by installing the npm package named @pnp/logging. This is a very lightweight subscribable and extensive logging framework. There are multiple ways to make use of this feature in our web part, let us see the concept of using Listeners. There are 2 listeners provided by PnP.  


This is a very simple listener as the name indicates, the log message is written to the browser console. There are no settings for this listener. It writes to the corresponding console method based on the log level.  


This listener type will allow us to wrap our own functionality by creating a function that takes a LogEntry as its single argument. This is very useful if we already have a common logging mechanism that we can leverage on it. Using this listener type, the message can be passed to any system or stored in a list or in a file based on our own implementation. The below steps and guidance will use this listener to write the logs in a SharePoint list. Some of the log levels provided are

  • Verbose
  • Info
  • Warning
  • Error
  • Off

Focus on Code Let us start by creating a new web part project using yeoman SharePoint generator, before that create a folder where you want to create the web part. Navigate to that folder and run the below command      

yo /sharepoint

      The generator will ask you a couple of questions,

  • Enter the web part name as your solution name, and then select Enter.
  • Select Create a subfolder with the solution name for where to place the files.
  • Select Y to allow the solution to be deployed to all sites immediately.
  • Select N on the question if the solution contains unique permissions.
  • Enter the web part name.
  • Enter the web part description.
  • Choose the framework as ‘React’. Once the project is created, install the required pnp modules from npm using the below command. I had created a web part with the name PnPLogging.      
npm i @pnp/sp @pnp/odata @pnp/logging --save-exact

      Open the code in VSCode which is my favourite code editor for SharePoint Framework. You can directly open the project folder from the file menu or use the below command to open the VSCode from the command line.      

cd \web part folder\
code .

      Let’s create a new folder under the components folder named common. Inside the common folder create 2 files as named below

  1. CustomLogger.ts – This file will have all the interfaces and methods for implementing the logging mechanism to write the logs in SharePoint List.
  2. Util.ts – This file will have all the log methods to be implemented in our custom methods to pass certain information to the log entry. Copy-paste the below code in the CustomLogger.ts file.      
import { LogLevel, ILogListener, ILogEntry } from "@pnp/logging";
import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import { IWeb, Web } from '@pnp/sp/webs';
import "@pnp/sp/webs";
import "@pnp/sp/site-users";
import "@pnp/sp/lists/web";
import "@pnp/sp/items/list";
export interface ILogData {
    FileName: string;
    MethodName: string;
    StackTrace: string;
export class LogData implements ILogData {
        public FileName: string = "",
        public MethodName: string = "",
        public StackTrace: string = ""
    ) { }
export interface ILogItem {
    ApplicationName: string;
    CodeFileName: string;
    MethodName: string;
    LoggedOn: Date;
    LoggedById: number;
    ErrorMessage: string;
    StackTrace: string;
export class LogItem implements ILogItem {
        public ApplicationName: string = "",
        public CodeFileName: string = "",
        public MethodName: string = "",
        public LoggedOn: Date = new Date(),
        public LoggedById: number = 0,
        public ErrorMessage: string = "",
        public StackTrace: string = ""
    ) { }
export default class CustomLogger implements ILogListener {
    private _applicationName: string;
    private _logListName: string;
    private _web: IWeb;
    private _userId: number;
    private _currentuser: string;
    private _writeLogFailed: boolean;
    constructor(applicationName: string, logWebUrl: string, logListName: string, currentUser: string) {
        try {
            this._writeLogFailed = false;
            this._applicationName = applicationName;
            this._logListName = logListName;
            this._web = Web(logWebUrl);
            this._currentuser = currentUser;
        } catch (err) {
            console.error(`Error initializing CustomLogger - ${err}`);
    private async init(currentUser: string): Promise<number> {
        //Implement an asyncronous call to ensure the user is part of the web where the ApplicationLog list is and get their user id.
        try {
            let userResult = await this._web.ensureUser(`i:0#.f|membership|${currentUser}`);
            return userResult.data.Id;
        } catch (err) {
            console.error(`Error initializing CustomLogger (init) - ${err}`);
    public async log(entry: ILogEntry): Promise<void> {
        try {
            //If the entry is an error then log it to my Application Log table.  All other logging is handled by the console listener
            if (entry.level == LogLevel.Error) {
                if (!this._writeLogFailed) {
                    this._userId = await this.init(this._currentuser);
                    let stackArray = null;
                    if (entry.data.StackTrace && entry.data.StackTrace.length > 0)
                        stackArray = JSON.stringify(entry.data.StackTrace.split('\n').map((line) => { return line.trim(); }));
                    let newLogItem: LogItem = new LogItem(this._applicationName,
                        new Date(),
        } catch (err) {
            //Assume writing to SharePoint list failed and stop continuous writing
            this._writeLogFailed = true;
            console.error(`Error logging error to SharePoint list ${this._logListName} - ${err}`);

      The main artefacts in the above code are

  1. ILogData – This is an interface that is defined to tell what kind of information are gonna be logged to the list.
  2. ILogItem – This is an interface that is defined to map the columns in the SharePoint Error log list to write the logs to the list.
  3. CustomLogger – The actual class which implements the ILogListener interface
  4. init – This method is implemented to get the current user information while writing the logs to the list.
  5. log – This is the actual method where we will be implementing the actual functionality of parsing the log and write the detailed log info in the SharePoint List. Copy-paste the below code in the Util.ts file      
import { LogLevel, ILogEntry, Logger } from '@pnp/logging';
import { ILogData } from './CustomLogger';
export function writeErrorLog(filename: string, methodname: string, stack: string, loglevel: LogLevel, err: any) {
    let data: ILogData = { FileName: filename, MethodName: methodname, StackTrace: stack };
    let logEntry: ILogEntry = { message: `${err.message}`, level: loglevel, data: data };

      This class has only one method named writeErrorLog which we will call on the catch block of our function. This method in turn communicate with the FunctionListener and write the log to the SharePoint List.   The logger with the custom methods has been implemented and the util function to call the method has also been implemented, now let us see how to subscribe to the listener.   Navigate to the <webpart>.ts file and do the following   Import the following modules and classes in addition to the existing imports      

import CustomLogger from './components/common/CustomLogger';
import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import { Logger, LogLevel, FunctionListener, ILogEntry } from "@pnp/logging";

      Under the class, copy-paste the below code along with the boilerplate code.      

public onInit(): Promise<void> {        
        return super.onInit().then(_ => {
    private customLogging(): void {
        try {
            let listener = new FunctionListener((entry: ILogEntry) => {
                try {
                    switch (entry.level) {
                        case LogLevel.Verbose:
                        case LogLevel.Info:
                        case LogLevel.Warning:
                        case LogLevel.Error:
                            let advanceLogging = new CustomLogger("Sample Logging", this.context.pageContext.site.absoluteUrl, "Error Log", this.context.pageContext.user.loginName);
                } catch (err) {
                    console.error(`Error executing customLogging FunctionListener - ${err}`);
        } catch (err) {
            console.error(`Error initializing customLogging - ${err}`);

      In the above code, we are setting up the logger by providing the context and we are also subscribing our custom logger to the Function Listener. Navigate to the <webpart>.tsx and copy-paste the below code      

import * as React from 'react';
import styles from './PnPLogging.module.scss';
import { IPnPLoggingProps } from './IPnPLoggingProps';
import { DefaultButton } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Button';
import { LogLevel } from '@pnp/logging';
import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/webs";
import "@pnp/sp/lists/web";
import "@pnp/sp/items/list";
import * as util from './common/Util';
export default class PnPLogging extends React.Component<IPnPLoggingProps, {}> {
    constructor(props: IPnPLoggingProps) {
    public _generateError = () => {
        sp.web.lists.getByTitle('Branches').items.select('Title').getAll().then(items => {
        }).catch((err: Error) => {
            util.writeErrorLog("PnPLogging.tsx", '_generateError', err.stack, LogLevel.Error, err);
    public _generateAsyncError = async () => {
        try {
            await sp.web.lists.getByTitle('Branches').items.select('Title').getAll();
        } catch (err) {
            util.writeErrorLog("PnPLogging.tsx", '_generateAsyncError', err.stack, LogLevel.Error, err);
    public render(): React.ReactElement<IPnPLoggingProps> {
        return (
            <div className={styles.pnPLogging}>
                <div className={styles.container}>
                    <div className={styles.row}>
                        <div className={styles.column}>
                            <DefaultButton onClick={this._generateError} text="Generate Error" />
                            <DefaultButton onClick={this._generateAsyncError} text="Generate Async Error" />

      The above code is very simple, I have created 2 buttons to call the method which will get the items from the list that doesn’t exist. The first method will use the PnP method with then and catch implementation, the second method will use the same PnP method with async and await.  

Error Log list

Before running the above solution or deploying the package, create a list named ‘Error Log’ with the following fields. Make sure to maintain the same field name.

  • ApplicationName – Name of the application from where the logs fired
  • CodeFileName – Name of the file from where the exception occurred.
  • MethodName – Name of the method from where the exception occurred.
  • ErrorMessage – Friendly message of the exception.
  • StackTrace – Complete details of the exception message.
  • LoggedBy – Current logged in user
  • LoggedOn – Current date and time when the exception occurred.   Source Code The source code along with other samples can be found in the below github link.   SPFx-Demos   Happy Coding…