PnP WatchParty for Microsoft's 'LearnTogether Building apps with Microsoft Graph' event

The Microsoft 365 PnP Team would love to invite you to the Watch Party that we are hosting for the Learn Together: Building apps with Microsoft Graph event. The event is a 2 hour live stream and is offered live twice to accommodate the global audience:

April 14, 2021 2:00 pm AEST - 4:00 pm AEST (Asia Pacific Region)

April 14, 2021 8:30 am PDT 10:30 am PDT (North America & Europe Regions)

For the North America & Europe Regions live stream, we will host a Teams meeting to connect and collaborate while we are watching the live stream on our own devices. There will be games, popcorn, G-raphs 🦒 and much more.

My dear Sharing Is Caring friend David Warner made a short video to explain it in his own words!

Find more information on the Learn Together event here:

Register for our WatchParty here:

We love to see you join us!

If you have any questions, please reach out here in the comments or find David Warner, Hugo Bernier or me Luise Freese on twitter!

Sharing Is Caring 🦒