Setup SharePoint Framework development environment Part 1 - Use Node Version Manager (NVM) or Node Version Switcher (NVS)
When starting your journey with SharePoint Framework (SPFx) development, you always start with a basic setup of your development environment. In this post series, I would like to introduce you to different ways to get ready for SPFx development. Over the next few posts, I will try to briefly explain how to:
- perform local setup using Node Version Manager (NVM) or Node Version Switcher (NVS) (which is this post)
- boost local setup using WSL
- use Docker for SPFx development
- code in the cloud using GitHub Codespaces
Why do I need any node version manager?
Well if you just follow the guidance from Microsoft Docs you will end up with a single version of Node.js installed on your machine. This is not necessarily a bad thing, especially if you just want to try out SPFx and create a few web parts. The problem starts when you need to manage multiple projects with different versions of SPFx. This may be for numerous reasons. For example, you may still have solutions that target SharePoint 2019 which support projects created with version 1.4.1 of SPFx. Or you may just have some older projects that have little sense to upgrade to the latest version of SPFx. Or you are planning to try out one of the samples from the PnP SPFx Samples gallery which are not always up to date with the latest version of SPFx. In such cases you will need to manage multiple versions of Node.js on your machine because if we check the SPFx development environment compatibility table different versions of SharePoint Framework require different versions of Node.js. For example, SPFx 1.4.1 which is the version that should be used for solutions that target SharePoint On-Prem, requires v6 or v8 of Node.js. On the other hand, the latest version of SPFx which as of today is 1.20.0 requires Node.js v18. So to develop two projects on the same machine you will either need to uninstall and install the correct version of Node.js along with global dependencies every time or you may use a node version manager which allows you to install multiple versions of Node.js and switch between them with a single command.
Node Version Manager (NVM)
The last couple of years I’ve noticed that NVM is one of the most popular Node Version Managers. It’s widely used both on Mac OS and Windows. The setup and usage are very simple and straightforward. You may download the Windows installer directly from GitHub repo releases - NVM for Windows. Before installing nvm it’s important to uninstall any version of Node.js you already have installed locally. After installing nvm the first thing you will want to do is to install the version(s) of Node.js you need. Let’s see how to go about it.
To check the list of available versions of Node.js you may use the following command:
nvm list available
This will give you a partial list of possible versions of Node.js.
To install the version of Node.js you need you may use the following command:
nvm install <version>
Using the above you can install multiple versions of Node.js on your machine. To switch between them you can use the following command:
nvm use <version>
What’s important to note is that nvm needs admin permissions to switch to a different version of Node. In most cases, this will not be a problem. But for some of you who work in a corporate environment where you don’t have admin permissions on your machine, this may be a blocker.
To check the version of Node.js you are currently using you can use the following command:
nvm current
To check the list of installed versions of Node.js you can use the following command:
nvm list
This will result in an output similar to the one below:
The above are the basic commands you will need to manage multiple versions of Node.js on your machine. Thanks to that you may easily install and switch between different versions of Node.js and that way manage multiple SPFx projects with different versions of SPFx. Each Node.js version you install using nvm will have its own global dependencies. This means that you may have different versions of global dependencies (global tools) for different versions of Node.js. This means that if you have some tool which is and global npm packge you will most probably need to install it for each version of Node.js you are using.
Last thing that is worth mentioning is the possibility to set the default version of Node which should be used for a project. You can do that by creating a .nvmrc
file in the root of your project and adding the version of Node.js you want to use in that project. After that when running nvm use
command in the same location where .nvmrc
file is located nvm will automatically switch to the version of Node.js specified in that file. This feature unfortunately is not available on nvm-windows.
Node Version Switcher (NVS)
Although NVM is good enough in some cases you may want to use an alternative option especially if you don’t have admin rights to your machine. In such case you may want to use Node Version Switcher (NVS). NVS is a cross-platform Node.js version manager that allows you to install multiple versions of Node.js and switch between them without the need for admin permissions. The setup and usage is very similar to NVM. You may download the Windows installer directly from GitHub repo releases - NVS for Windows, or you may also get it using winget
by running the following command:
winget install jasongin.nvs
Similar to NVM you can check the list of available versions of Node.js using the following command:
nvs ls-remote
To install the version of Node.js you need you may use the following command:
nvs add <version>
Using the above you may install multiple versions of Node.js on your machine. To switch between them you may use the following command:
nvs use [version]
And finally, to list all Node.js versions installed on your machine you can use the following command:
nvs ls
Also, there is a nice little command that will run an interactive menu that will allow you to select the version of Node.js you want to use, or if you want to add a new one. To run this mode you may use the following:
nvs menu
What is worth mentioning is that when you switch to some Node version it is not done globally on your whole machine but it is done only for the current terminal session. This is very useful when you work on multiple projects that require different versions of Node.js. You may have different terminal windows open for different projects and in each of them, you may use a different version of Node.js.
Last but not least, .nvmrc
files are also supported on Windows. That means you may add a .nvmrc
file in the root of your project and specify the version of Node.js you want to use in that project. After that when running nvs auto
command in the same location where .nvmrc
file is located, NVS will automatically switch to the version of Node.js specified in that file.
It also supports .node-version
files, which similar to .nvmrc
files specify the version of Node.js you want to use in that project.
SPFx Toolkit for Visual Studio Code
If you know me then you probably noticed that VS Code extensions are my thing and before I wrap up this blog post there is one last thing worth mentioning. If you are using Visual Studio Code for your SPFx development you may want to install the SharePoint Framework Toolkit extension. This extension will help you get started with SPFx development helping you at every stage of the development process. Among many features, it also has some that are specific to using node version managers. For example when you scaffold a new project using the create project form, in the additional steps part you may select to create a Node Version manager config file for your project with the current version of Node.js you are using.
In the extension settings, you may specify if this will be a .nvmrc
file or .node-version
file. This is a very useful feature especially when you work on multiple projects and you want to make sure that you are using the correct version of Node.js in each of them.
Also in the extension settings, you may specify which is your preferred Node Version Manager - NVM or NVS. Based on this setting the extension will execute the correct command to use the version of Node.js specified in the config file.
If you are starting your journey with SPFx development using a local workspace, instead of VMs, dockers or CodeSpaces will be good enough for sure. But the first thing you will want to improve is the ability to run multiple versions of Node.js on your machine and switch between them. Both NVM and NVS will do the job for you. The choice between them is up to you. If you have admin permissions on your machine and you are looking for a simple and easy-to-use solution you may go with NVM. If you don’t have admin permissions on your machine and you are looking for a solution that will allow you to switch between different versions of Node.js without the need for admin permissions you may go with NVS. The possibility to run multiple versions of Node.js at the same time which is provided by NVS may be a big advantage as well.