Course registration with List formatting
Recently Tetsuya and Michel shared some great examples of a new option in List formatting, the setValue action within List formatting.
Read moreRecently Tetsuya and Michel shared some great examples of a new option in List formatting, the setValue action within List formatting.
Read moreDuring my SP consultant/dev work I most of the times used the last two. From time to time I got the question: which one is better?
Read moreI was tasked to delete more than 300k items loaded as part of testing from a very large SharePoint list, I used the script from the blog post https://vladilen.
Read moreFollowing on previous blog PnP Batch Add or Delete items from very large list
Read moreUse Cases You’re migrating list items from a tenant to another using back-office app (console app or Azure SaaS resource) and want to keep existing fields, including author / editor ones You’re developing an API / Web App that will be used by employees which data is saved to a SharePoint List without being in user context (because you want to make some background checks before saving) When working with SharePoint in App-Only context, every update made on list items are done with the user “SharePoint App”.
Read moreAs a non-developer (please read this as a disclaimer) I still try to make my life as easy as possible (yes, I am that lazy).
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