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spo tenant commandset get

Get a ListView Command Set that is installed tenant-wide


m365 spo tenant commandset get [options]


-t, --title [title]

The title of the ListView Command Set. Specify either title, id, or clientSideComponentId.

-i, --id [id]

The id of the ListView Command Set. Specify either title, id, or clientSideComponentId.

-c, --clientSideComponentId [clientSideComponentId]

The Client Side Component Id (GUID) of the ListView Command Set. Specify either title, id, or clientSideComponentId.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


This command can be used for retrieving a ListView Command Set that's installed tenant-wide. To retrieve a ListView Command Set from a specific site, view our dedicated spo commandset get command.


Retrieves a ListView Command Set by title.

m365 spo tenant commandset get --title "Some customizer"

Retrieves a ListView Command Set by id.

m365 spo tenant commandset get --id 3

Retrieves a ListView Command Set by clientSideComponentId.

m365 spo tenant commandset get --clientSideComponentId 7096cded-b83d-4eab-96f0-df477ed7c0bc


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"ContentTypeId": "0x00693E2C487575B448BD420C12CEAE7EFE",
"Title": "Some ListView Command Set",
"Modified": "2023-01-11T15:47:38Z",
"Created": "2023-01-11T15:47:38Z",
"AuthorId": 9,
"EditorId": 9,
"OData__UIVersionString": "1.0",
"Attachments": false,
"GUID": "14125658-a9bc-4ddf-9c75-1b5767c9a337",
"ComplianceAssetId": null,
"TenantWideExtensionComponentId": "7096cded-b83d-4eab-96f0-df477ed7c0bc",
"TenantWideExtensionComponentProperties": "{\"testMessage\":\"Test message\"}",
"TenantWideExtensionWebTemplate": null,
"TenantWideExtensionListTemplate": 101,
"TenantWideExtensionLocation": "ClientSideExtension.ListViewCommandSet.ContextMenu",
"TenantWideExtensionSequence": 0,
"TenantWideExtensionHostProperties": null,
"TenantWideExtensionDisabled": false