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List SharePoint sites where the particular app is installed

This script helps you to list all sites in SharePoint Online, where a particular app is installed.

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "ID of the app")][string] $AppID,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Name of the app")][string] $AppName

if ($AppID -and $AppName) {
throw "Please specify either AppID or AppName, but not both."

if ((-not $AppID) -and (-not $AppName)) {
throw "Please specify either AppID or AppName."

try {
$m365Status = m365 status
if ($m365Status -match "Logged Out") {
Write-Host "Logging in the User!"
m365 login --authType browser

$results = @()

$queryText = ""
if ($AppID) {
$queryText = "[?AppId == '$AppID']"
else {
$queryText = "[?Title == '$AppName']"

Write-Host "Retrieving all sites..."
$allSPOSites = m365 spo site list | ConvertFrom-Json

foreach ($site in $allSPOSites) {
Write-Host "Processing site $($site.Url)..."
$appInstance = m365 spo app instance list --siteUrl $site.Url --query $queryText | ConvertFrom-Json

if ($appInstance.count -gt 0) {
$results += [pscustomobject]@{
SiteURL = $site.Url
Title = $site.Title

Write-Host $results
catch {
Write-Host -f Red "Error listing sites where the particular app is installed: " $_.Exception.Message

Write-Host "Finished"