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List all tenant-wide extensions

Author: Shantha Kumar T

The following script lists all tenant-wide extensions deployed in the tenant. The sample returns the Id, Title, Extension Location and Extension Disabled status of each extension.

$listName = "Tenant Wide Extensions"
$fields = "Id, Title, TenantWideExtensionDisabled, TenantWideExtensionLocation"

$appcatalogurl = m365 spo tenant appcatalogurl get
m365 spo listitem list --listTitle $listName --webUrl $appcatalogurl --fields $fields

To view more/different properties of the extensions, adjust the internal names in the fields variable.

ColumnInternal NameDescription
TitleTitleTitle of the extension.
Component IdTenantWideExtensionComponentIdThe manifest ID of the component. It has to be in GUID format and the component must exist in the App Catalog.
Component PropertiesTenantWideExtensionComponentPropertiescomponent properties.
Web TemplateTenantWideExtensionWebTemplateIt can be used to target extension only to a specific web template.
List templateTenantWideExtensionListTemplateList type as a number.
LocationTenantWideExtensionLocationLocation of the extension. There are different support locations for application customizers and ListView Command Sets.
SequenceTenantWideExtensionSequenceThe sequence of the extension in rendering.
Host PropertiesTenantWideExtensionHostPropertiesAdditional server-side configuration, like pre-allocated height for placeholders.
DisabledTenantWideExtensionDisabledIs the extension enabled or disabled?