Remove orphaned redirect sites
Author: Albert-Jan Schot
Changing the URL of a site results in a new site type: a Redirect Site. However this redirect site does not get removed if you delete the newly renamed site. This could result in orphaned redirect site collections that redirect to nothing. This script provides you with an overview of all orphaned redirect sites and allows you to quickly delete them.
- PowerShell
- Bash
$sites = m365 spo site list --webTemplate "REDIRECTSITE#0" | ConvertFrom-Json
$sites | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host -f Green "Processing redirect site: " $_.Url
$siteUrl = $_.Url
$redirectSite = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_.Url -MaximumRedirection 0 -SkipHttpErrorCheck
$body = $null
$siteUrl = $_.Url
if($redirectSite.StatusCode -eq 308) {
Try {
[string]$newUrl = $redirectSite.Headers.Location;
Write-Host -f Green " Redirects to: " $newUrl
$body = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $newUrl -SkipHttpErrorCheck
Write-Host $_.Exception
Finally {
If($body.StatusCode -eq "200"){
Write-host -f Yellow " Target location still exists"
If($body.StatusCode -eq "404"){
Write-Host -f Red " Target location no longer exists, should be removed"
m365 spo site remove --url $siteUrl --force
# requires jq:
while read site; do
siteUrl=$(echo ${site} | jq -r '.Url')
echo "Checking old URL for redirect" $siteUrl
redirectsite=$(curl -I -L --max-redirs 0 --silent --user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0" $siteUrl | sed -En 's/^location: (.*)/\1/p')
echo "Redirects to" $redirectsite
redirect_status=$(curl --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null --user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0" ${redirectsite%$'\r'})
if [[ "$redirect_status" -ne 404 ]] ; then
echo "URL exists: $redirectsite"
echo "URL does not exist: $redirectsite"
done < <(m365 spo site list --webTemplate "REDIRECTSITE#0" -o json | jq -c '.[]')
if [ ${#sitestoremove[@]} = 0 ]; then
exit 1
printf '%s\n' "${sitestoremove[@]}"s
echo "Press Enter to start deleting (CTRL + C to exit)"
read foo
for site in "${sitestoremove[@]}"; do
siteUrl=$(echo ${site} | jq -r '.Url')
echo "Deleting site..."
echo $siteUrl
m365 spo site remove --url $siteUrl --force
- SharePoint Online
- Redirect sites