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Configure CLI for Microsoft 365

You can configure CLI for Microsoft 365 to your personal preferences using its settings. Settings are stored on the disk in the current user's folder: C:\Users\user\.config\configstore\cli-m365-config.json on Windows and /Users/user/.config/configstore/cli-m365-config.json on macOS. The configuration file is created when you set the settings for the first time.

To reset settings to their default values, remove them from the configuration file or remove the whole configuration file.

Configuring settings

You can configure the specific setting using the cli config set command. For example, to configure CLI to automatically show help when executing a command failed, execute:

m365 cli config set --key showHelpOnFailure --value true

Available settings

Following is the list of configuration settings available in CLI for Microsoft 365.

Setting nameDefinitionDefault value
authTypeDefault login method to use when running m365 login without the --authType option.deviceCode
autoOpenLinksInBrowserAutomatically open the browser for all commands which return a url and expect the user to copy paste this to the browser. For example when logging in, using m365 login in device code mode.false
copyDeviceCodeToClipboardAutomatically copy the device code to the clipboard when running m365 login command in device code modefalse
csvEscapeSingle character used for escaping; only apply to characters matching the quote and the escape options"
csvHeaderDisplay the column names on the first linetrue
csvQuoteThe quote characters surrounding a field. An empty quote value will preserve the original field, whether it contains quotation marks or not.
csvQuotedQuote all the non-empty fields even if not requiredfalse
csvQuotedEmptyQuote empty strings and overrides quoted_string on empty strings when definedfalse
disableTelemetryDisables sending of telemetry datafalse
errorOutputDefines if errors should be written to stdout or stderrstderr
helpModeDefines what part of command's help to display. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, fulloptions
helpTargetDefines the way the command help will be shown. Allowed values are console or web
outputDefines the default output when issuing a command. Allowed values are json, text, csv, md, nonejson
printErrorsAsPlainTextWhen output mode is set to json, print error messages as plain-text rather than JSONtrue
promptPrompts for missing values in required options and enables interactive selection when multiple values are available for a command that requires a specific value to be retrieved.true
promptListPageSizeBy default, lists of choices longer than 7 will be paginated. Use this option to control how many choices will appear on the screen at once.7
showHelpOnFailureAutomatically display help when executing a command failedtrue
showSpinnerDisplay spinner when executing commandstrue