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Continuous Integration

The generator is able to provide build definitions for continuous integration.

List of the pipeline technologies currently supported: - Azure DevOps (integrated with KarmaJS for test coverage)

Azure DevOps

The build definition included with your project configures the equivalent of the "Continuous Integration" of the official documentation. Once your yaml definition file is committed and pushed, you will see a "name of your repository - CI" build definition appear under the same team project.

If you want to set up automated deployments of your solution, you can then follow the "Continuous Deployment" section of the official documentation.

Simply select the new build definition and update the paths to match the artifact name.

Upgrading from the single stage to the multi-stage pipeline infrastructure

Multi-stage pipelines are a preview feature on Azure DevOps that allow you to describe other stages in addition to the build stage directly in your YAML pipeline definition.
A good practice to ease maintenance and reusability of stages is to leverage templates instead of defining the stage right in the main pipeline file.


Make sure you enable the preview feature called Multi-stage pipelines


  1. Update the generator.
  2. Scaffold a new project:
    • Select the multi-stage pipeline option on the CI question
  3. Copy the following files to your existing repository:
    • azure-pipelines.yml
    • azure-pipelines-deploy-template.yml
    • azure-pipelines-build-template.yml
  4. Create a Variable group named qa_configuration containing the values described in the deploy template for the deployment stage.
  5. Commit and push the changed files
  6. Run the pipeline to update the configuration.

Upgrading from the KarmaJS infrastructure


You have previously upgraded your project to SPFx 1.8.0, if this is not done already, checkout the dedicated Office 365 CLI command


  1. Run the following commands in your shell. Shell npm un @types/chai-as-promised chai-as-promised karma-junit-reporter -D npm i jest-junit jest @voitanos/jest-preset-spfx-react16 -D rm ./config/karma.conf.js
  2. in package.json add/update the following scripts. JSON "test": "./node_modules/.bin/jest --config ./config/jest.config.json", "test:watch": "./node_modules/.bin/jest --config ./config/jest.config.json --watchAll"
  3. Add a config/jest.config.json file with the following content. JSON { "preset": "@voitanos/jest-preset-spfx-react16", "rootDir": "../src", "coverageReporters": [ "text", "json", "lcov", "text-summary", "cobertura" ], "reporters": [ "default", ["jest-junit", { "suiteName": "jest tests", "outputDirectory": "temp/test/junit", "outputName": "junit.xml" }] ] }
  4. In gulpfile.js remove the following lines JS var buildConfig = build.getConfig(); var karmaTaskCandidates = buildConfig.uniqueTasks.filter((t) => === 'karma'); if(karmaTaskCandidates && karmaTaskCandidates.length > 0) { var karmaTask = karmaTaskCandidates[0]; karmaTask.taskConfig.configPath = './config/karma.config.js'; }

  5. Update your azure-pipelines.yml to match the following sample.
