How to use Docker with @pnp/spfx generator¶
The following definiton of a Docker file can be used to run @pnp/generator-spfx in Docker.
Create a folder for your Docker file¶
Create a folder on your hard drive and add a file named 'Dockerfile'.
FROM node:8.12.0
EXPOSE 5432 4321 35729
RUN npm i -g gulp@3 yo @pnp/generator-spfx@latest --unsafe-perm
VOLUME /usr/app/spfx
WORKDIR /usr/app/spfx
RUN useradd --create-home --shell /bin/bash spfx && \
chown -R spfx:spfx /usr/app/spfx
USER spfx
CMD /bin/bash
Build the image¶
The following command creates a persitent container for pnp/spfx. It allows you to start the image faster from any spfx container on your hard drive.
To build the docker image execute the form of command:
docker build -t <imagename>:<tag> .
For example a pnpspfx generator version 1.6.2 could be built and tagged like this.
docker build -t pnpspfx:v162 .
After the completion of this command the image can be verified with the following command.
docker image ls
The returned output should look similar to this:
pnpspfx v162 9813ce7b5769 About an hour ago 871MB
node 8.12.0 ce426dead114 3 months ago 670MB
Run Docker image¶
To run the docker image the following command start the image.
docker run -h pnpspfx --name pnpspfx -it -p 5432:5432 -p 4321:4321 -p 35729:35729 pnpspfx:v162
This will open the shell of the docker container. In there the generator can now create a project for example through yo @pnp/spfx