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Project Structure

The generated project from the Microsoft Teams Apps generator has the following project and file/folder structure.

The root folder

The root folder contains all the required files you need to build and run your project.

  • gulpfile.js contains configuration for the Gulp tasks. See yoteams-core-build for more information
  • automatically generated readme file to help you get started
  • .env contains replaceable strings that will be used throughout your project and make it easier for you to move projects between environments.
  • Dockerfile a pre-configured Docker file

The src folder

The source folder contains your code and is divided into the following folders:

  • client: contains clients side TypeScript code
  • manifest: contains the Microsoft Teams App manifest and icons
  • public: contains static web site files
  • server: contains server side code
  • test: contains test setup files. Note: only added if tests are chosen during initial scaffolding

The manifest folder

The manifest folder contains the manifest file (manifest.json) as well as the two required logos. The manifest file uses replaceable tokens.

The client folder

The client folder contains the client side React components. All scaffolded client side components are automatically added to client.ts.

The server folder

The server folder contains the server side Express application, defined in server.ts.

The TeamsAppsComponents.ts file is used to export all classes for automatic Express routing detection, that uses the express-msteams-host npm package for the routing setup.

The public folder

The folder called public contains all the files required for the web application, such as html, assets and css files.