Interface ITermRelation
Represents the relationship between terms in a term store.Currently two types of relationships are supported: pin and reuse.
In a pin relationship, a term can be pinned under a different term in a different term set.In a pinned relationship, new children to the term can only be added in the term set in which the term was created.Any change in the hierarchy under the term is reflected across the sets in which the term was pinned.
The reuse relationship is similar to the pinned relationship except that changes to the reused term can be made from any hierarchy in which the term is reused.Also, a change in hierarchy made to the reused term does not get reflected in the other term sets in which the term is reused.
Inherited Members
Namespace: PnP.Core.Model.SharePoint
Assembly: PnP.Core.dll
public interface ITermRelation : IDataModel<ITermRelation>, IDataModelParent, IDataModelWithContext, ISupportModules<ITermRelation>, IDataModelGet<ITermRelation>, IDataModelLoad<ITermRelation>, IQueryableDataModel