Provides the ability to interact with Excel workbooks hosted in a Drive.
More information can be found on the official Graph documentation:
Opening a workbook¶
To open an Excel workbook, create an IDriveItem pointing to an .xlsx file with DriveItem.getItemByID
. Then, use getWorkbookSession(persistChanges)
to open the workbook.
Use the persistChanges parameter to set whether you want your changes to be saved back to the file.
import { PreferAsync } from "@pnp/graph/behaviors/prefer-async.js";
import "@pnp/graph/files/index.js";
import "@pnp/graph/workbooks/index.js";
const drive = graph.me.drive();
const { id: fileId } = await drive
const workbook = await drive.getItemById(fileId)
// Do stuff...
await workbook.closeSession();
on a DriveItem located by path will fail with "AccessDenied: Could not obtain a WAC access token."
Using PreferAsync()
is not required. However, some of the workbook endpoints support the long-running operation pattern, so using the PreferAsync behaviour may make your life easier.
Working with named tables¶
Reading values¶
const table = workbook.tables.getByName("MyTable1");
// Column names
const { values: columnNames } = await table.headerRowRange.select("values")();
// All data rows and columns
const { values: tableRows } = await table.dataBodyRange.select("values")();
// All rows from the first column (including the header)
const firstColumn = table.columns.getItemAt(0);
const { values: rowsFromCol } = await firstColumn.select("values")();
// Rows 20-30 of the column named "SomeColumn"
const { values: twenties } = await testTable.columns.getByName("SomeColumn")
.getRange().cell(19, 0).rowsBelow(10)
// For a large table, use paging to iterate over the rows
const allRows = [];
for await (let page of allPages(testTable.rows, 100)) {
console.info(`Got first page: ${page.values}`)
Async iterate over all pages¶
KNOWN BUG: Graph workbook endpoints don't currently return the required OData properties to work with PnPJS' existing async iterator.
In the meantime, one way to iterate over a whole collection is to simply keep requesting pages until there is no more data:
export default function allPages<T>(query: IGraphCollection<T>, pageSize: number) {
return {
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterator<T> {
let skipOffset = 0;
return {
async next() {
const response: any = await query.top(pageSize).skip(skipOffset)();
if (typeof response.length === 'number' && response.length > 0) {
skipOffset += response.length;
return { done: false, value: response }
} else {
return { done: true, value: [] }
Writing values¶
// Appending a row
const newRow = await table.rows.add({ values: ["a", "b", "c"].map(cell => [cell]) });
// Deleting a row
await table.rows.getItemAt(5).delete();
// Create a new column with no data
const newEmptyCol = await table.columns.add({ name: "EmptyColumn" });
Updating table properties¶
General properties can be updated like so:
await table.update({ showBandedRows: true });
// Filter the table to show rows where "MyColumn" is greater than 10
const myColumn = table.columns.getByName("MyColumn");
await myColumn.filter.apply({
criteria: {
criterion1: '>10',
filterOn: 'Custom',
// 'filterOn' is not documented but must be set, otherwise
// the operation fails with 500.
// There may be supported values other than 'Custom', but
// they are not in the Graph API documentation.
// Sort the table based on the column at index 0 in ascending order
await table.sort.apply([{ key: 0, ascending: true }]);
Working with ranges¶
Getting a range¶
// Create a range using Excel A1 coordinates
const sheet = workbook.worksheets.getByID("Sheet1");
const range = sheet.getRange("A1:C3");
// Get the full "used range" of the worksheet
const usedRange = sheet.getUsedRange();
const usedAddress = (await usedRange()).address // = e.g. "B2:L21"
// Named objects (like tables) have an underlying range, too
const tableRange = table.getRange();
Modifying values¶
// A single cell in a range
const sheetRange = sheet.getRange();
const cell = sheetRange.cell(0, 1);
await cell.update({ values: [["Hello, world!"]] });
// Multiple cells in a range
const values = [
["a", "b", "c"],
[1, 2, 3],
[1, 2, "=SUM(A3:B3)"]
await sheet.getRange("A1:C3").update({ values });
Sorting and formatting¶
// Sort a range in descending order based on its first column
const sort: WorkbookSortField = {
key: 0, sortOn: "Value",
dataOption: "TextAsNumber",
ascending: false
await range.sort.apply({
fields: [ sort ], hasHeaders: false,
// Get and set a fill on a range
const oldFill = await range.format.fill();
await range.format.fill.update({ color: "#FF0000" });
// Add a purple dashed line to the top border of a range
await range.format.borders.getBySideIndex("EdgeTop").update({
color: "#8C34EB",
style: "Dash",
weight: "Medium"
Full example: Creating a table from data¶
const sheet = workbook.worksheets.getById(TEST_SHEET_NAME);
// Add data to the worksheet
const addr = "A1:C4";
const data = [
["Name", "Age", "Department"],
["Alice", 30, "Engineering"],
["Bob", 25, "HR"],
["Charlie", 35, "Finance"]
const range = sheet.getRange(addr);
await range.update({ values: data });
// Convert the range into a named table
const tableInfo = await sheet.tables.add(addr, true);
const table = workbook.tables.getById(tableInfo.id!);
// Rename the table and enable banded rows
await table.update({
name: "Staff_list",
showBandedRows: true
// Autofit column width
await table.getRange().format.autofitColumns();
// Sort the table in ascending order on the "Age" column
await table.sort.apply([{ key: 1, ascending: true }]);