Through the REST api you are able to call a subset of the SP.Utilities.Utility methods. We have explicitly defined some of these methods and provided a method to call any others in a generic manner. These methods are exposed on pnp.sp.utility and support batching and caching.
This methods allows you to send an email based on the supplied arguments. The method takes a single argument, a plain object defined by the EmailProperties interface (shown below).
export interface EmailProperties { To: string[]; CC?: string[]; BCC?: string[]; Subject: string; Body: string; AdditionalHeaders?: TypedHash<string>; From?: string; }
You must define the To, Subject, and Body values - the remaining are optional.
import { sp, EmailProperties } from "@pnp/sp"; const emailProps: EmailProperties = { To: ["user@site.com"], CC: ["user2@site.com", "user3@site.com"], Subject: "This email is about...", Body: "Here is the body. <b>It supports html</b>", }; sp.utility.sendEmail(emailProps).then(_ => { console.log("Email Sent!"); });
This method returns the current user's email addresses known to SharePoint.
import { sp } from "@pnp/sp"; sp.utility.getCurrentUserEmailAddresses().then((addressString: string) => { console.log(addressString); });
Gets information about a principal that matches the specified Search criteria
import { sp , PrincipalType, PrincipalSource, PrincipalInfo } from "@pnp/sp"; sp.utility.resolvePrincipal("user@site.com", PrincipalType.User, PrincipalSource.All, true, false).then((principal: PrincipalInfo) => { console.log(principal); });
Gets information about the principals that match the specified Search criteria.
import { sp , PrincipalType, PrincipalSource, PrincipalInfo } from "@pnp/sp"; sp.utility.searchPrincipals("john", PrincipalType.User, PrincipalSource.All, "", 10).then((principals: PrincipalInfo[]) => { console.log(principals); });
Gets the external (outside the firewall) URL to a document or resource in a site.
import { sp } from "@pnp/sp"; sp.utility.createEmailBodyForInvitation("https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/dev/SitePages/DevHome.aspx").then((r: string) => { console.log(r); });
Resolves the principals contained within the supplied groups
import { sp , PrincipalInfo } from "@pnp/sp"; sp.utility.expandGroupsToPrincipals(["Dev Owners", "Dev Members"]).then((principals: PrincipalInfo[]) => { console.log(principals); }); // optionally supply a max results count. Default is 30. sp.utility.expandGroupsToPrincipals(["Dev Owners", "Dev Members"], 10).then((principals: PrincipalInfo[]) => { console.log(principals); });
import { sp , CreateWikiPageResult } from "@pnp/sp"; sp.utility.createWikiPage({ ServerRelativeUrl: "/sites/dev/SitePages/mynewpage.aspx", WikiHtmlContent: "This is my <b>page</b> content. It supports rich html.", }).then((result: CreateWikiPageResult) => { // result contains the raw data returned by the service console.log(result.data); // result contains a File instance you can use to further update the new page result.file.get().then(f => { console.log(f); }); });
Checks if file or folder name contains invalid characters
import { sp } from "@pnp/sp"; const isInvalid = sp.utility.containsInvalidFileFolderChars("Filename?.txt"); console.log(isInvalid); // true
Removes invalid characters from file or folder name
import { sp } from "@pnp/sp"; const validName = sp.utility.stripInvalidFileFolderChars("Filename?.txt"); console.log(validName); // Filename.txt
Call Other Methods¶
Even if a method does not have an explicit implementation on the utility api you can still call it using the UtilityMethod class. In this example we will show calling the GetLowerCaseString method, but the technique works for any of the utility methods.
import { UtilityMethod } from "@pnp/sp"; // the first parameter is the web url. You can use an empty string for the current web, // or specify it to call other web's. The second parameter is the method name. const method = new UtilityMethod("", "GetLowerCaseString"); // you must supply the correctly formatted parameters to the execute method which // is generic and types the result as the supplied generic type parameter. method.excute<string>({ sourceValue: "HeRe IS my StrINg", lcid: 1033, }).then((s: string) => { console.log(s); });