Registers an Entra ID App for use with Interactive login
Generate App using Interactive Login
Register-PnPEntraIDAppForInteractiveLogin -ApplicationName <String>
-Tenant <String>
[-GraphApplicationPermissions <Permission[]>]
[-GraphDelegatePermissions <Permission[]>]
[-SharePointApplicationPermissions <Permission[]>]
[-SharePointDelegatePermissions <Permission[]>]
[-LogoFilePath <string>]
[-MicrosoftGraphEndPoint <string>]
[-EntraIDLoginEndPoint <string>]
[-SignInAudience <EntraIDSignInAudience>]
Generate App using Device Login
Register-PnPEntraIDAppForInteractiveLogin -ApplicationName <String>
-Tenant <String>
[-GraphApplicationPermissions <Permission[]>]
[-GraphDelegatePermissions <Permission[]>]
[-SharePointApplicationPermissions <Permission[]>]
[-SharePointDelegatePermissions <Permission[]>]
[-LogoFilePath <string>]
[-SignInAudience <EntraIDSignInAudience>]
Registers an Entra ID App for use with the interactive login on Connect-PnPOnline. By default it assumes an Interactive login, but you can decide to use Device Login auth by specifying -DeviceLogin.
Register-PnPEntraIDAppForInteractiveLogin -ApplicationName TestApp -Tenant
Creates a new Entra ID Application registration. The application will be setup with the following delegate permissions to consent: AllSites.FullControl, Group.ReadWrite.All, User.ReadWrite.All, TermStore.ReadWrite.All. A browser window will be shown allowing you to authenticate.
Register-PnPEntraIDAppForInteractiveLogin -ApplicationName TestApp -Tenant -GraphDelegatePermissions "Group.Read.All" -SharePointDelegatePermissions "AllSites.FullControl"
Creates a new Entra ID Application registration. The application will be setup with the following delegate permissions to consent: Group.Read.All, AllSites.FullControl. A browser window will be shown allowing you to authenticate.
If specified, a device login flow, supporting Multi-Factor Authentication will be used to authenticate towards the Microsoft Graph.
Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Accept pipeline input: False
The name of the Azure AD Application to create.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: Named
Accept pipeline input: False
Specify which Microsoft Graph Application permissions to request.
Type: Permission[]
Parameter Sets: Generate Certificate
Required: False
Position: 0
Accept pipeline input: False
Specify which Microsoft Graph Delegate permissions to request.
Type: Permission[]
Parameter Sets: Generate Certificate
Required: False
Position: 0
Accept pipeline input: False
Specify which Microsoft SharePoint Application permissions to request.
Type: Permission[]
Parameter Sets: Generate Certificate
Required: False
Position: 0
Accept pipeline input: False
Specify which Microsoft SharePoint Delegate permissions to request.
Type: Permission[]
Parameter Sets: Generate Certificate
Required: False
Position: 0
Accept pipeline input: False
The identifier of your tenant, e.g.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: Named
Accept pipeline input: False
The Azure environment to use for authentication, the defaults to 'Production' which is the main Azure environment.
Type: AzureEnvironment
Parameter Sets: (All)
Accepted values: Production, PPE, China, Germany, USGovernment, USGovernmentHigh, USGovernmentDoD, Custom
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Sets the logo for the Azure AD application. Provide a full path to a local image file on your disk which you want to use as the logo.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Accept pipeline input: False
Sets the EntraID login endpoint to be used for creation of the app. This only works if Azure Environment parameter is set to Custom
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Accept pipeline input: False
Sets the Microsoft Graph endpoint to be used for creation of the app. This only works if Azure Environment parameter is set to Custom
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Accept pipeline input: False
Sets the sign in audience. Use this to make the app support Single tenant accounts, Multi-tenant accounts, Multi-tenant + personal accounts & personal accounts only.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: Generate Certificate
Required: False
Position: Named
Accept pipeline input: False