Get all Bootstrap Icons to use in your powerapps.
This PowerShell script downloads the latest Bootstrap icons from twbs@github, creates a JSON file with the complete list of SVG icons you can use.
Use it in PowerApps
Copy the content from BootstrapIcons.json
and add it to App.OnStart (See also Note about Named Formulas below sample).
This will give you access to all the Bootstap Icons in your app.
To use an Icon, add an Image and the following code to the image property:
Change the
A new feature in Power Apps allows for a better implementation, namely Named Formulas. At current this app is not designed for this function, but a future version is planned for handling all this in a better way. Sample first appeared on THESE SAMPLES ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. data:image/svg+xml;utf8, " & EncodeUrl(" & LookUp(colBSIcons; IconName = <ICON NAME>).IconData)
# Define the URL for the latest Bootstrap Icons release
$latestReleaseUrl = ""
# Get latest Bootstrap Icons version
try {
$latestReleaseResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $latestReleaseUrl -ErrorAction Stop
$finalUrl = $latestReleaseResponse.BaseResponse.RequestMessage.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri
$actualVersion = $finalUrl.Split('/')[-1]
} catch {
Write-Host "An error occurred: $_"
#Download Bootstrap Icons zip file
try {
$dlPath = "" + $actualVersion + "/"
$dlName = "bootstrap-icons-" + $actualVersion.Substring(1) + ".zip"
$dlFull = $dlPath + $dlName
# Download the Bootstrap Icons zip file
Write-Host "Downloading Bootstrap Icons version $actualVersion..."
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $dlFull -OutFile "" -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "Download completed."
}catch {
Write-Error $_
# Prompt user for style choice
Write-Host "What language are you using?"
Write-Host "1. American/English"
Write-Host "2. Nordic countries"
$choice = Read-Host "Choose a number and press Enter"
while ($choice -ne 1 -and $choice -ne 2) {
Write-Host "Choose 1 or 2 and press Enter"
$choice = Read-Host "Choose a number and press Enter"
# Create the new Json file with all the icons
if ($choice -eq 1) {
$newJson = "ClearCollect(`n`tcolBSIcons,`n"
} elseif ($choice -eq 2) {
$newJson = "ClearCollect(`n`tcolBSIcons;`n"
Add-Type -AssemblyName "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem"
$zipFile = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead("$PSScriptRoot\")
# Process the SVG files and add them to the JSON
foreach ($entry in $zipFile.Entries) {
if ($entry.FullName.EndsWith(".svg")) {
$filename = $entry.FullName.Substring(23, $entry.FullName.Length - 27)
$iconData = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($entry.Open()).ReadToEnd()
$iconData = $iconData.Replace('"', "'").Replace("`n", "`n`t`t`t")
if ($choice -eq 1) {
$newJson += "`t`t{IconName: `"$filename`",`n`t`tIconData: `"$iconData`t`"},`n"
} elseif ($choice -eq 2) {
$newJson += "`t`t{IconName: `"$filename`";`n`t`tIconData: `"$iconData`t`"};`n"
# Finalize and save the JSON file
$newJson = $newJson.Substring(0, $newJson.Length - 2) + "`n)"
Set-Content -Path "BootstrapIcons.json" -Value $newJson
# Output the final message
if ($choice -eq 1) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "You have now downloaded $actualVersion of Bootstrap Icons and it's saved in the BootstrapIcons.json."
Write-Host "1. Open the file and copy the content to your power app in the OnStart field of the App."
Write-Host "2. Use the following code in the image content:"
Write-Host "`tdata:image/svg+xml;utf8, `" & EncodeUrl(`" & LookUp(colBSIcons, IconName = `<ICON NAME ex. grid-3x3-gap-fill>`).IconData)"
} elseif ($choice -eq 2) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "You have now downloaded $actualVersion of Bootstrap Icons and it's saved in the BootstrapIcons.json."
Write-Host "1. Open the file and copy the content to your power app in the OnStart field of the App."
Write-Host "2. Use the following code in the image content:"
Write-Host "`tdata:image/svg+xml;utf8, `" & EncodeUrl(`" & LookUp(colBSIcons; IconName = `<ICON NAME ex. grid-3x3-gap-fill>`).IconData)"
# Close the zip file and remove it
Remove-item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\"
Note about Named Formulas
Source Credit
Daniel Kåven