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Animated Dialog

Animated Dialog control is an extended version of the Office UI Fabric React Dialog. Animated Dialog control adds the following to the dialog - Entrance and exit animations - Animated icon above the title

This control uses Animate.css to add the animations.

Here is an example of the control in action:

Animated dialog control

Animate.css and animation names

Animate.css is a library that adds css animtions to controls. The website has all the names of the animations and any of them can be used in the Animated Dialog control. The default entrance animation name used in this control is bounceIn and the default exit animaton name is zoomOut.

How to use this control in your solutions

  • Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-controls-react dependency. Check out the getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  • In your component file, import the AnimatedDialog control as follows:
import { AnimatedDialog } from "@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/AnimatedDialog";

Different ways of using the control

1. Simple way

The code below adds a dialog with an entrance animation of bounceIn and exit animation of zoomOut. (These are the default animations)

// Initial state
this.state = {
      showAnimatedDialog: false
// Properties of the dialog
const animatedDialogContentProps: IDialogContentProps = {
      type: DialogType.normal,
      title: 'Animated Dialog',
      subText: 'Do you like the animated dialog?',

const animatedModalProps: IModalProps = {
    isDarkOverlay: true
// Add a control (like a button) that changes the state showAnimatedDialog to true

//Render the animated dialog
    onDismiss={() => { this.setState({ showAnimatedDialog: false }); }}
            <PrimaryButton onClick={() => { this.setState({ showAnimatedDialog: false }); }} text="Yes" />
            <DefaultButton onClick={() => { this.setState({ showAnimatedDialog: false }); }} text="No" />

Simple animated dialog

Simple animated dialog control

2. Adding custom animations

The code below adds adds a dialog with an entrance animation of fadeInDown and exit animation of fadeInDown.

// Initial state
this.state = {
      showAnimatedDialog: false
// Properties of the dialog
const animatedDialogContentProps: IDialogContentProps = {
      type: DialogType.normal,
      title: 'Animated Dialog',
      subText: 'Do you like the animated dialog?',

const animatedModalProps: IModalProps = {
    isDarkOverlay: true
// Add a control (like a button) that changes the state showAnimatedDialog to true

//Render the animated dialog
    onDismiss={() => { this.setState({ showAnimatedDialog: false }); }}
            <PrimaryButton onClick={() => { this.setState({ showAnimatedDialog: false }); }} text="Yes" />
            <DefaultButton onClick={() => { this.setState({ showAnimatedDialog: false }); }} text="No" />

Animated dialog with custom animations

Animated dialog control with custom animations

3. Adding icons and functions

The code below does the following: - adds an icon (question mark) above the title - adds Yes and No buttons in the footer as showAnimatedDialogFooter is set to true. - passes 3 functions - onOkClick : The function that gets executed when the Ok/Yes button is clicked. - onSuccess : The function that gets executed on successful operation of the above function. - onError: The function that gets executed when the onOkClick function fails.

// Initial state
this.state = {
      showCustomisedAnimatedDialog: false,
      showSuccessDialog: false,
      showErrorDialog: false
const animatedDialogContentProps: IDialogContentProps = {
      type: DialogType.normal,
      title: 'Animated Dialog with icon'

const successDialogContentProps: IDialogContentProps = {
      type: DialogType.normal,
      title: 'Good answer!'

const animatedModalProps: IModalProps = {
    isDarkOverlay: true,
    containerClassName: `${styles.dialogContainer}`

// The operation that does something - e.g. update data
const timeout = (ms: number): Promise<void> => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// Add a control (like a button) that changes the state showAnimatedDialog to true

//Render the animated dialog
    onDismiss={() => { this.setState({ showCustomisedAnimatedDialog: false }); }}
    onOkClick={() => timeout(1500)}
    onSuccess={() => {
        this.setState({ showCustomisedAnimatedDialog: false });
        this.setState({ showSuccessDialog: true });
    onError={() => {
        this.setState({ showCustomisedAnimatedDialog: false });
        this.setState({ showErrorDialog: true });
        <div className={styles.dialogContent}>
            <span>Do you like the animated dialog?</span>

// Render success animated dialog which will appear after the execution 
// of onSuccess function in the above animated dialog 

    onDismiss={() => { this.setState({ showSuccessDialog: false }); }}
        <div className={styles.dialogContent}><span>Thank you.</span></div>
        <div className={styles.resultDialogFooter}>
            <PrimaryButton onClick={() => { this.setState({ showSuccessDialog: false }); }} text="OK" >

Animated dialog with icon

Animated dialog control with icon

If the dialog content and footer buttons need to be controlled by our code and not the animated dialog control then the code below can be used

// Initial state
this.state = {
      showCustomisedAnimatedDialog: false,
      showSuccessDialog: false,
      showErrorDialog: false,
      showLoading: false
const animatedDialogContentProps: IDialogContentProps = {
      type: DialogType.normal,
      title: 'Custom content and footer'

const successDialogContentProps: IDialogContentProps = {
      type: DialogType.normal,
      title: 'Good answer!'

const animatedModalProps: IModalProps = {
    isDarkOverlay: true,
    containerClassName: `${styles.dialogContainer}`
// Add a control (like a button) that changes the state showAnimatedDialog to true

//Render the animated dialog
    onDismiss={() => { this.setState({ showCustomisedAnimatedDialog: false }); }}

    <div className={styles.dialogContent}>
    <span>Do you like the animated dialog?</span>

    <div className={styles.dialogFooter}>
        onClick={() => {
        this.setState({ showLoading: true });
        setTimeout(() => {
            this.setState({ showLoading: true });
            this.setState({ showCustomisedAnimatedDialog: false });
            this.setState({ showSuccessDialog: true });
        }, 1500);
        disabled={this.state.showLoading} text={!this.state.showLoading && "Yeah!"}>
        {this.state.showLoading && <Spinner size={SpinnerSize.medium} />}

        onClick={() => this.setState({ showCustomisedAnimatedDialog: false })}
        disabled={this.state.showLoading} />

// Render success animated dialog which will appear after the execution 
// of the onClick function of the Button in the above animated dialog

    onDismiss={() => { this.setState({ showSuccessDialog: false }); }}
        <div className={styles.dialogContent}><span>Thank you.</span></div>
        <div className={styles.resultDialogFooter}>
            <PrimaryButton onClick={() => { this.setState({ showSuccessDialog: false }); }} text="OK" >

Animated dialog control with icon

SCSS used in the above examples

$themePrimary: '[theme:themePrimary, default:#0078d7]';

.dialogContainer {
  border-top: 4px;
  border-top-color: $themePrimary;
  border-top-style: solid;
  min-width: 400px;

  .dialogContent {
    text-align: center;
    padding-bottom: 10px;
    font-size: 1.125em;

  .dialogFooter {
    text-align: right;
    margin-top: 1.25em;

    button {
      min-width: 75px;
      margin: 0px 10px;
      border-radius: 5px;

      margin-top: 15px;

  .resultDialogFooter {
    text-align: center;
    margin-top: 1.25em;

    button {
      min-width: 100px;
      margin: 0px 10px;


In addition to theOffice UI Fabric dialog properties, the AnimatedDialog control can be configured with the following properties:

Property Type Required Description Default
dialogAnimationInType string no The name of the dialog entrace animation. See animate.css for values bounceIn
dialogAnimationOutType string no The name of the dialog exit animation. See animate.css for values zoomOut
iconName string no The name of the Fabric UI icon that appears above title.
iconAnimationType string no The name of the icon entrace animation. See animate.css for values. zoomIn
showAnimatedDialogFooter boolean no Should the animated dialog show it's own footer. See example 3 and 4 above for usage. false
okButtonText string no The text of the the OK button if showAnimatedDialogFooter is true. See example 3 above for usage. Ok
cancelButtonText string no The text of the the Cancel button if showAnimatedDialogFooter is true. See example 3 above for usage. Cancel
onOkClick function no The function to be executed when Ok button is clicked. Valid only when showAnimatedDialogFooter is true. See example 3 above for usage.
onSuccess function no The function to be executed after successful execution of the OK button function. Valid only when showAnimatedDialogFooter is true. See example 3 above for usage.
onError function no The function to be executed after unsuccessful execution of the OK button function. Valid only when showAnimatedDialogFooter is true. See example 3 above for usage.