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IconPicker control

Control that allows to search and select an icon from office-ui-fabric-react icons.


The control allows selecting an icon from the list of icons available in the office-ui-fabric-react library. Icon list is a static copy of available icons. Currently, only one icon selection is supported. Icon Picker overview

Displayed in the panel

Icon picker always opens a new panel where you can pick an icon. The panel displays all the icons and maintains readability. Picker does not displays selected icon outside the panel. Icon Picker panel

Displayed in the dialog

Icon picker always opens a new dialog where you can pick an icon. The dialog displays all the icons and maintains readability. Picker does not displays selected icon outside the dialog. Icon Picker panel

How to use this control

  • Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-controls-react dependency. Check out the getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  • Import the following module to your component:
import { IconPicker } from '@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/IconPicker';
  • Use the IconPicker control in your code as follows:
<IconPicker buttonLabel={'Icon'}
            onChange={(iconName: string) => { this.setState({icon: iconName}); }}
            onSave={(iconName: string) => { this.setState({icon: iconName}); }} />
<IconPicker buttonLabel={'Icon'}
            onChange={(iconName: string) => { this.setState({icon: iconName}); }}
            onSave={(iconName: string) => { this.setState({icon: iconName}); }} />


The IconPicker component can be configured with the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
buttonLabel string no Specifies the label of the icon picker button.
onSave (iconName: string) => void yes Handler when the icon has been selected and picker has been closed.
onCancel () => void no Handler when the panel is closed.
onChange (iconName: string) => void no Handler when the icon selection has been changed.
disabled boolean no Specifies if the picker button is disabled
buttonClassName boolean no If provided, additional class name will be added to the picker button
panelClassName boolean no If provided, additional class name will be added to the picker panel
currentIcon string no Specifies default selected icon
renderOption dialog, panel no Specifies how to render list of Icons, Values : 'Panel' or 'Dialog' defualt value 'Panel'
useStartsWithSearch boolean no Specifies if we need to use startsWith when searching for the icons.