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ListView control

This control renders a list view for the given set of items.

ListView control output

List view control with grouping applied

ListView control with grouping

List view control with drag and drop applied

ListView control with grouping

How to use this control in your solutions

  • Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-controls-react dependency. Check out the getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  • Import the following modules to your component:
import { ListView, IViewField, SelectionMode, GroupOrder, IGrouping } from "@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/ListView";
  • Use the ListView control in your code as follows:
  listClassName={styles.list} />
  • The control provides full text filtering through all the columns. If you want to execute filtering on the specified columns, you can use syntax : <ColumnName>:<FilterValue>. Use ':' as a separator between column name and value. Control support both 'fieldName' and 'name' properties of IColumn interface.

  • With the selection property you can define a method that which gets called when the user selects one or more items in the list view:

private _getSelection(items: any[]) {
  console.log('Selected items:', items);
  • With the groupByFields property you can define an array of field objects which will be used for grouping.

Important: the same order of the fields defines how grouping will be applied. In the snippet the ListView control will first group by the Extension and after that by the Author field.

const groupByFields: IGrouping[] = [
    name: "Extension", 
    order: GroupOrder.ascending 
  }, {
    name: "Author", 
    order: GroupOrder.descending

Extend ListView with a ContextualMenu

To extend the ListView control with a ContextualMenu refer to ListView.ContextualMenu.

  • With the onDrop handler you can define a method that returns files that where drag and drop by user in the list view:
private _getDropFiles = (files) => {
    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {


The ListView control can be configured with the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
iconFieldName string no Specify the items' property name that defines the file URL path which will be used to show the file icon. This automatically creates a column and renders the file icon.
items any[] no Items to render in the list view.
viewFields IViewField[] no The fields you want to render in the list view. Check the IViewField implementation to see which properties you can define.
compact boolean no Boolean value to indicate if the control should render in compact mode. By default this is set to false.
selectionMode SelectionMode no Specify if the items in the list view can be selected and how. Options are: none, single, multi.
selection function no Selection event that passes the selected item(s) from the list view.
groupByFields IGrouping[] no Defines the field on which you want to group the items in the list view.
defaultSelection number[] no The index of the items to be select by default
filterPlaceHolder string no Specify the placeholder for the filter text box. Default 'Search'
showFilter boolean no Specify if the filter text box should be rendered.
defaultFilter string no Specify the initial filter to be applied to the list.
dragDropFiles boolean no Specify the drag and drop files area option. Default false.
onDrop file no Event handler returns files from drag and drop.
stickyHeader boolean no Specifies if the header of the ListView, including search box, is sticky
onRenderRow (props: IDetailsRowProps) => JSX.Element | null no Callback to override the default row rendering.
sortItems (items: any[], columnName: string, descending: boolean) => any[] no Custom sorting function to handle sorting by column
className string no Class name to apply additional styles on list view wrapper
listClassName string no Class name to apply additional styles on list view

The IViewField has the following implementation:

Property Type Required Description
name string yes Name of the field.
displayName string no Name that will be used as the column title. If not defined, the name property will be used.
linkPropertyName string no Specify the field name that needs to be used to render a link for the current field.
sorting boolean no Specify if you want to enable sorting for the current field.
minWidth number no Specify the minimum width of the column.
maxWidth number no Specify the maximum width of the column.
isResizable boolean no Determines if the column can be resized.
render function no Override how the field has to get rendered.

The IGrouping has the following implementation:

Property Type Required Description
name string yes Name of the field
order GroupOrder yes Specify how the group needs to be ordered.

enum GroupOrder

Value Description
ascending Order the group in ascending order.
descending Order the group in descending order.