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This control is intended to be used when you want to show or hide components based on the user permissions. The control can be used to check the user’s permissions on the current site / list were the solution is loaded, or on a remote site / list.

How to use this control in your solutions

  • Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-controls-react dependency. Check out the getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  • Import the following modules to your component:
import { SecurityTrimmedControl, PermissionLevel } from "@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/SecurityTrimmedControl";
import { SPPermission } from '@microsoft/sp-page-context';
  • You can use the SecurityTrimmedControl as follows in your solutions:

Checking permissions on the current site

<SecurityTrimmedControl context={this.props.context}
  {/* Specify the components to load when user has the required permissions */}

Checking permissions on the current list

<SecurityTrimmedControl context={this.props.context}
  {/* Specify the components to load when user has the required permissions */}

Checking permissions on remote site

<SecurityTrimmedControl context={this.props.context}
                        permissions={[SPPermission.viewPages, SPPermission.addListItems]}>
  {/* Specify the components to load when user has the required permissions */}

Checking permissions on remote list / library

<SecurityTrimmedControl context={this.props.context}
  {/* Specify the components to load when user has the required permissions */}

Show a control when the user doesn't have permissions

<SecurityTrimmedControl context={this.props.context}
                        noPermissionsControl={<p>SOrry, you don't have permissions to this list.</p>}>
  {/* Specify the components to load when user has the required permissions */}


The SecurityTrimmedControl can be configured with the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
context BaseComponentContext yes Context of the web part, application customizer, field customizer, or list view command set.
permissions SPPermission[] yes The permissions to check for the user.
level PermissionLevel yes Specify where to check the user permissions: current site or list / remote site or list.
remoteSiteUrl string no The URL of the remote site. Required when you want to check permissions on remote site or list.
relativeLibOrListUrl string no The relative URL of the list or library. Required when you want to check permissions on remote list.
folderPath string no Specify the name of a folder to check the user permissions against. Will be overridden if itemId is present.
itemId number no Specify the ID of the item to check the user permissions against. Takes precedence over folder.
className string no Specify the className to be used on the parent element.
noPermissionsControl JSX.Element no Optional. Specify the control you want to render if user doesn't have permissions.
showLoadingAnimation boolean no Optional. Specify should render loading animation.

The PermissionLevel enum has the following values:

Value Description Required properties
currentWeb Checks permissions on the current web context, permissions
currentList Checks permissions in the current loaded list context, permissions
remoteWeb Checks permissions on the specified site URL context, permissions, remoteSiteUrl
remoteListOrLib Checks permissions on the specified list/library URL in combination with the site URL context, permissions, remoteSiteUrl, relativeLibOrListUrl
remoteListItem Check permissions on a specific item in a list/library context, permissions, remoteSiteUrl, relativeLibOrListUrl, itemId
remoteFolder Check permissions on a specific folder context, permissions, remoteSiteUrl, relativeLibOrListUrl, folderPath