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TreeView control

This graphical control allows to present a hierarchical view of information. Each tree item can have a number of subitems. This is often visualized by indentation in a list. A tree item can be expanded to reveal subitems (if exist), and collapsed to hide subitems.

Here are examples of the control in action:

Tree View control

With all possible options

Tree View control

Without check boxes or when selection mode is 'None'

Tree View control

Without check boxes, and selection mode is multiple

Tree View control

How to use this control in your solutions

  • Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-controls-react dependency. Check out the getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  • Import the following modules to your component:
import { TreeView, ITreeItem, TreeViewSelectionMode } from "@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/TreeView";
  • Use the TreeView control in your code as follows:
    selectChildrenMode={SelectChildrenMode.Select | SelectChildrenMode.Unselect}
    defaultSelectedKeys={['key1', 'key2']}
    theme={this.props.themeVariant} />
  • With the onSelect property you can capture the event of when the tree item in the TreeView has changed the selection:
private onTreeItemSelect(items: ITreeItem[]) {
    console.log("Items selected: ", items);
  • With the onExpandCollapse property you can capture the event of when the tree item in the TreeView has expanded or collapsed:
private onTreeItemExpandCollapse(item: ITreeItem, isExpanded: boolean) {
    console.log((isExpanded ? "Item expanded: " : "Item collapsed: ") + item);  

Custom Rendering

You can fully customize how tree items are rendered by providing the onRenderItem callback function and returning whatever JSX.Element you want.

For example, you can define your function in a .tsx file like this:

import * as React from 'react';

private renderCustomTreeItem(item: ITreeItem): JSX.Element {
  return (
        item.iconProps &&
        <i className={"ms-Icon ms-Icon--" + item.iconProps.iconName} style={{ paddingRight: '4px' }} />


The TreeView control can be configured with the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
items ITreeItem[] yes An array of tree items to display. refer example.
defaultExpanded boolean no Specify if the tree items are displayed as expanded by default (defaults to false.
selectionMode enum no Specifies the selection mode of tree view (defaults to Single selection).
selectChildrenIfParentSelected boolean no Specifies if the children should be selected when parent item is selected (defaults to false). Deprecated: prefer usage of selectChildrenMode for more flexibility.
selectChildrenMode SelectChildrenMode no Specifies if the children should be selected when parent item is selected (defaults to None). Flagged enum, values can be combined eg. SelectChildrenMode.Select \| SelectChildrenMode.Unselect
showCheckboxes boolean yes Specify if the checkboxes should be displayed for selection.
treeItemActionsDisplayMode TreeItemActionsDisplayMode no Specifies the display mode of the tree item actions.
defaultSelectedKeys string[] no Specifies keys of items to be selected by default.
expandToSelected boolean no Specifies if the tree view is expanded to display selected nodes.
onExpandCollapse function no Defines a onExpandCollapse function to raise when the tree item has expanded or collapsed.
onSelect function no Captures the event of when the tree item selection has changed.
onRenderItem function no Optional callback to provide custom rendering of the item (default is simple text of item label and a checkbox for selection).
defaultExpandedChildren boolean no Default expand / collapse behavior for the child nodes. By default this is set to true.
defaultExpandedKeys string[] no Keys of items expanded by default.
theme IPartialTheme | ITheme no Set Fluent UI Theme. If not set or set to null or not defined, the theme passed through context will be used, or the default theme of the page will be loaded.

Enum TreeViewSelectionMode

Specifies the selection mode of tree item.


Enum SelectChildrenMode

Specifies when the children of a selected item need to be automatically selected.

Value Description
None Children are never selected
Select When selecting an item, its children are also selected
Unselect When unselecting an item, its children are also unselected
Mount When the component is mounted, all children of selected items are also selected
Update When the component receives new props, all children of selected items are also selected
All Shorthand for a combination of all of the above, same as SelectChildrenMode.Select \| SelectChildrenMode.Unselect \| SelectChildrenMode.Mount \| SelectChildrenMode.Update

Interface ITreeItem

Each tree item in the treeitems property is defined as ITreeItem as follows:

Property Type Required Description
key string yes The unique ID of the tree item.
label string yes Text displayed next to checkbox.
subLabel string no The sub label of the tree item.
iconProps IIconProps no Custom icon to be rendered before label.
disabled boolean no Specify if the tree item needs to be disabled. Default is false.
selectable boolean no Specify if the tree item can be selected. Default is true.
data any no Specify an additional data of the tree item.
actions ITreeItemAction[] no Specify list of actions for the tree item.
children ITreeItem[] no Specify list of child tree items.

Interface ITreeItemAction

Specifies the list of actions for the tree item.

Property Type Required Description
id string yes Unique id of the action.
title string yes Title of the action.
iconProps IIconProps no Name of the icon to be used to display action.
hidden boolean no Specify if the action is hidden. This could be used for instance when you want to invoke the action right after rendering.
invokeActionOnRender boolean no Specifies if you want to invoke the action on render.
actionCallback (currentTreeItem: ITreeItem) => void yes Method to be executed when action is fired.

Enum TreeItemActionsDisplayMode

Specifies the display mode of the tree item action.


Example of array of tree items used to render control as in 2nd screenshot

items: [
            key: "R1",
            label: "Root",
            subLabel: "This is a sub label for node",
            iconProps: skypeCheckIcon,
            actions: [{
              title: "Get item",
              iconProps: {
                iconName: 'Warning',
                style: {
                  color: 'salmon',
              id: "GetItem",
              actionCallback: async (treeItem: ITreeItem) => {
            children: [
                key: "1",
                label: "Parent 1",
                selectable: false,
                children: [
                    key: "3",
                    label: "Child 1",
                    subLabel: "This is a sub label for node",
                    actions: [{
                      iconProps: {
                        iconName: 'Share'
                      id: "GetItem",
                      actionCallback: async (treeItem: ITreeItem) => {
                    children: [
                        key: "gc1",
                        label: "Grand Child 1",
                        actions: [{
                          title: "Get Grand Child item",
                          iconProps: {
                            iconName: 'Mail'
                          id: "GetItem",
                          actionCallback: async (treeItem: ITreeItem) => {
                    key: "4",
                    label: "Child 2",
                    iconProps: skypeCheckIcon
                key: "2",
                label: "Parent 2"
                key: "5",
                label: "Parent 3",
                disabled: true
                key: "6",
                label: "Parent 4",
                selectable: true
            key: "R2",
            label: "Root 2",
            children: [
                key: "8",
                label: "Parent 5"

IconpProps in above example can be declared as below

private skypeCheckIcon: IIconProps = { iconName: 'SkypeCheck' };