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FieldLookupRenderer control

This control renders lookup values. Each lookup item is clickable. Click on the lookup item leads to opening of referenced item's display form.

Note: this control displays correctly starting with SharePoint Framework v1.4

FieldLookupRenderer control output FieldLookupRenderer dialog

Covered Fields

  • Lookup (single, multi)

How to use this control in your solutions

  • Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-controls-react dependency. Check out the getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  • Import the following modules to your component:
import { FieldLookupRenderer } from "@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/FieldLookupRenderer";
  • Use the FieldLookupRenderer control in your code as follows:
<FieldLookupRenderer lookups={event.fieldValue} fieldId={'<field-guid>'} context={this.context} className={'some-class'} cssProps={{ background: '#f00' }} />


The FieldLookupRenderer component can be configured with the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
cssProps React.CSSProperties no CSS styles to apply to the renderer.
className ICssInput no CSS classes to apply to the renderer.
lookups ISPFieldLookupValue[] yes Lookup field values.
dispFormUrl boolean no Url of Display form for the list that is referenced by the lookup.
onClick (args: ILookupClickEventArgs) => {} no Custom event handler of lookup item click. If not set the dialog with Display Form will be shown.
fieldId string Field's id
context IContext Customizer context. Must be providede if fieldId is set