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PropertyFieldEnterpriseTermPicker control

This control generates a term picker that can be used in the property pane of your SharePoint Framework web parts.

Disclaimer: This control makes use of the @pnp/sp-taxonomy module to retrieve the managed metadata information. It leads to increase of the bundle/package size if the control is being used. Use the control for "enterprise" scenarios (large term stores with lots of objects) or if you need to request labels for terms.

Empty term picker

Empty term picker

Selecting terms

Selecting terms

Selected terms in the panel

Selected terms in the panel

Empty term picker

Selected terms in the input

Term picker: Auto Complete

Selected terms in the input

Limit the term set to a specific group or termset

Limit to a group or termset

How to use this control in your solutions

  1. Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-property-controls dependency. Check out The getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  2. Import the following modules to your component:
import { PropertyFieldEnterpriseTermPicker } from '@pnp/spfx-property-controls/lib/PropertyFieldEnterpriseTermPicker';
  1. Create a new property for your web part, for example:
import { IPickerTerms } from "@pnp/spfx-property-controls/lib/PropertyFieldEnterpriseTermPicker";

export interface IPropertyControlsTestWebPartProps {
  terms: IPickerTerms;
  1. Add the custom property control to the groupFields of the web part property pane configuration:
PropertyFieldEnterpriseTermPicker('terms', {
  label: 'Select terms',
  panelTitle: 'Select terms',
  allowMultipleSelections: true,
  excludeSystemGroup: false,
  onPropertyChange: this.onPropertyPaneFieldChanged,
  context: this.context,
  onGetErrorMessage: null,
  deferredValidationTime: 0,
  limitByGroupNameOrID: 'People',
  limitByTermsetNameOrID: 'Location',
  key: 'termSetsPickerFieldId',
  includeLabels: true


The PropertyFieldEnterpriseTermPicker control can be configured with the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
label string yes Property field label displayed on top.
panelTitle string yes TermSet Picker Panel title.
disabled boolean no Specify if the control needs to be disabled.
context BaseComponentContext yes Context of the current web part.
initialValues IPickerTerms no Defines the selected by default term sets.
allowMultipleSelections boolean no Defines if the user can select only one or many term sets. Default value is false.
excludeSystemGroup boolean no Indicator to define if the system Groups are exclude. Default is false.
limitByGroupNameOrID string no Limit the term sets that can be used by the group name or ID.
limitByTermsetNameOrID string no Limit the terms that can be picked by the Term Set name or ID.
hideTermStoreName boolean no Specifies if you want to show or hide the term store name from the panel.
isTermSetSelectable boolean no Specify if the term set itself is selectable in the tree view.
disabledTermIds string[] no Specify which terms should be disabled in the term set so that they cannot be selected.
onPropertyChange function yes Defines a onPropertyChange function to raise when the date gets changed.
properties any yes Parent web part properties, this object is use to update the property value.
key string yes An unique key that indicates the identity of this control.
onGetErrorMessage function no The method is used to get the validation error message and determine whether the input value is valid or not. See this documentation to learn how to use it.
deferredValidationTime number no Control will start to validate after users stop typing for deferredValidationTime milliseconds. Default value is 200.
resolveDelay number no The delay time in ms before resolving suggestions, which is kicked off when input has been changed. e.g. if a second input change happens within the resolveDelay time, the timer will start over. Only until after the timer completes will onResolveSuggestions be called. Default is 500.
includeLabels boolean no Specifies if term labels should be loaded from the store.

Interface IPickerTerms

Property Type Required Description
key string yes The ID of the term
name string yes The name of the term
path string yes The path of the term
termSet string yes The Id of the parent term set of the term
termSetName string no The Name of the parent term set of the term

Differences between PropertyFieldEnterpriseTermPicker and PropertyFieldTermPicker

PropertyFieldEnterpriseTermPicker is implemented to be used for "enterprise" Term Stores with large amount of groups, terms sets, and terms. It loads term sets and terms on demand - only at the moment when specified group or term set has been expanded in the Term Store Tree. To implement on-demand loading PropertyFieldEnterpriseTermPicker uses @pnp/sp-taxonomy module from @pnp/pnpjs library. It increases the size of a bundle when the control is used. Additionaly, PropertyFieldEnterpriseTermPicker allows to request labels for the terms in the picker.

PropertyFieldTermPicker loads all the groups and term sets from the term service during the initial request. This approach fits most of the scenarios with small and medium number of objects in a term store. Besides that, PropertyFieldTermPicker does not use any additional libraries or modules to retrieve data from the taxonomy service which makes it much more lightweight option in comparison with PropertyFieldEnterpriseTermPicker. See PropertyFieldTermPicker for implementation details.

We recommend to use PropertyFieldTermPicker control if you don't need on-demand loading or term labels.