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PropertyFieldListPicker control

This control generates a list picker field that can be used in the property pane of your SharePoint Framework web parts.

The control can be configured as a single or multi-selection list picker:

Single list picker

Single list picker

Multi list picker

Multi list picker

How to use this control in your solutions

  1. Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-property-controls dependency. Check out The getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  2. Import the following modules to your component:
import { PropertyFieldListPicker, PropertyFieldListPickerOrderBy } from '@pnp/spfx-property-controls/lib/PropertyFieldListPicker';
  1. Create a new property for your web part, for example:
export interface IPropertyControlsTestWebPartProps {
  lists: string | string[]; // Stores the list ID(s)
  1. Add the custom property control to the groupFields of the web part property pane configuration:
PropertyFieldListPicker('lists', {
  label: 'Select a list',
  includeHidden: false,
  orderBy: PropertyFieldListPickerOrderBy.Title,
  disabled: false,
  onPropertyChange: this.onPropertyPaneFieldChanged.bind(this),
  context: this.context,
  onGetErrorMessage: null,
  deferredValidationTime: 0,
  key: 'listPickerFieldId'


The PropertyFieldListPicker control can be configured with the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
label string yes Property field label displayed on top.
disabled boolean no Specify if the control needs to be disabled.
context BaseComponentContext yes Context of the current web part.
selectedList string | string[] | IPropertyFieldList | IPropertyFieldList[] no Initial selected list set of the control.
baseTemplate number no BaseTemplate ID of the lists or libraries you want to return.
includeHidden boolean no Specify if you want to include hidden lists in the list picker. By default this is set to true.
orderBy PropertyFieldListPickerOrderBy no Specify the property on which you want to order the retrieve set of lists.
multiSelect boolean no Specify if you want to have a single or multi-list picker. By default this is set to false (single list picker).
showSelectAll boolean no Specify if you want the Select All checkbox. By default this is set to false (mult-list picker only).
selectAllInList boolean no Specify where to show the Select All checkbox. When false (default), checkbox is shown before the label, when true it is shown with the lists (mult-list picker only).
selectAllInListLabel string no The label to use for the in list select all checkbox (mult-list picker only).
webAbsoluteUrl string no Absolute Web Url of target site (user requires permissions)
onPropertyChange function yes Defines a onPropertyChange function to raise when the date gets changed.
properties any yes Parent web part properties, this object is use to update the property value.
key string yes An unique key that indicates the identity of this control.
onGetErrorMessage function no The method is used to get the validation error message and determine whether the input value is valid or not. See this documentation to learn how to use it.
deferredValidationTime number no Control will start to validate after users stop typing for deferredValidationTime milliseconds. Default value is 200.
listsToExclude string[] no Defines list titles which should be excluded from the list picker control (list title or ID).
filter string no Filter list from OData query (takes precedence over Hidden and BaseTemplate Filters).
onListsRetrieved (lists: ISPList[]) => PromiseLike | ISPList[] no Callback that is called before the dropdown is populated.
includeListTitleAndUrl boolean no Specifies if the picker returns list id, title and url as an object instead on id.
contentTypeId string no Specifies a content type ID , or a portion of one. If specified, all the lists presented in the control will have at least one content type beginning with the specified content type id.

Interface IPropertyFieldList

Property Type Required Description
id string yes The ID of the list
title string no List's title
url string no List's server relative url

Enum PropertyFieldListPickerOrderBy

Name Description
Id Sort by list / library ID
Title Sort by list / library title