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PropertyPaneMarkdownContent control

This control allows you to embed content in a property pane using Markdown content.

You can use this control to easily provide guidance for your users and create other content that is not easily created otherwise.

It supports any arbitrary HTML without using dangerouslySetInnerHTML, and allows overriding any HTML tag.

PropertyPaneMarkdownContent rendering

Property Pane Markdown Content

How to use this control in your solutions

  1. Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-property-controls dependency. Check out The getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  2. Import the following modules to your component:
import { PropertyPaneMarkdownContent } from '@pnp/spfx-property-controls/lib/PropertyPaneMarkdownContent';
  1. Create a string with Markdown content for your property pane, for example:
const md: string = `
### This is Markdown

[Markdown]( lets you write content in a really natural way.

  * You can have lists, like this one
  * Make things **bold** or *italic*
  * Embed snippets of \`code\`
  * Create [links](/)
  * ...

Also supports GitHub-flavored Markdown checklists

- [x] Checklist item 1
- [x] Checklist item 2
- [ ] Checklist item 3

<small>Sample content borrowed with thanks from [markdown-to-jsx]( ❤️</small>`
  1. Add the custom property control to the groupFields of the web part property pane configuration:
  markdown: md,
  key: 'markdownSample'


Pay close attention to the indentation in your Markdown string. The Markdown parser assumes that four spaces preceding your content means a code block. This means that the following Markdown will render most of the content a code block:

const md: string = `
    To get started select an items from the library.

    You can pick any items from the list, provided that is has a valid \`id\` attribute.`

Producing the following HTML:

Bad Markdown

To solve this issue, make sure that your content is not indented.

const md: string = `To get started select an items from the library.

You can pick any items from the list, provided that is has a valid \`id\` attribute.`

Which will produce the following HTML: Good markdown

Overriding rendering of HTML elements

You can override the rendering of any HTML element by specifying an overrides prop to the options.

For example, to override the CSS class of H3 elements (which is defined by a ### in Markdown), you can override the className attribute using the following code:

  markdown: `
### This is a heading 3

You can override any HTML you want`,
  key: 'markdownSample',
  options: {
    overrides: {
      h3: { // Markdown equivalent of ###
        props: {
          className: "ms-font-xl ms-fontColor-neutralDark",

You can also render your own React elements using the overrides prop. For example, if you have a MyCustomControl React element, you can use the following:

// Import your React element
import MyCustomControl from 'MyCustomControl';


  markdown: `
### This is a heading 3

You can override any HTML you want

<MyCustomControl sampleMessage='This is a sample message'/>
  key: 'markdownSample',
  options: {
    overrides: {
      h3: { // Markdown equivalent of ###
        props: {
          className: "ms-font-xl ms-fontColor-neutralDark",
      // Override the React element
      MyCustomControl: MyCustomControl

Rendering all elements as inline or block elements

By default, the control will attempt to determine whether the Markdown content should be wrapped in a <div>, <p>, or <span> to render content as block or inline elements.

For example, the following Markdown will be rendered as inline content:

This is an _inline_ element

And the following Markdown will be rendered as block content:

## This is a block element

However, you can override rendering all HTML as block elements or inline elements by passing forceBlock: true or forceInline: true to the component's options prop.

Named unicode

By default the control converts named html codes to their unicode character equivalents:

  • &: &amp;
  • ': &apos;
  • >: &gt;
  • <: &lt;
  • (space): &nbsp;
  • ": &quot;

If you need to extend this map of named codes and unicode characters, you can pass a list of additional html codes by using the namedCodesToUnicode option as object with the code names needed as follows:

  markdown: `
One hundred is &le; than one thousand, but is &ge than fifty.`,
  key: 'markdownSample',
  options: {
    namedCodesToUnicode: {
        le: '\u2264',
        ge: '\u2265',

Disabling parsing raw HTML

By default, the PropertyPaneMarkdownContent control will parse raw HTML elements in your Markdown content and will attempt to render them.

For example, this Markdown string will render text between two horizontal rulers:

Text between rulers

If you do not wish to render raw HTML from your Markdown, you can specify disableParsingRawHTML: true, which will render the same Markdown as follows:

Text between rulers



The PropertyPaneMarkdownContent control has the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
markdown string yes Markdown content you wish to display in the property pane
key string yes A unique identifier for the property pane control
options IMarkdownProps no Optional settings to control how Markdown content is rendered


Property Type Required Description
disableParsingRawHTML Boolean no true disables parsing of raw HTML elements within Markdown.
forceBlock Boolean no true forces rendering all input strings as blocks.
forceInline Boolean no true forces rendering all input strings as inline elements.
namedCodesToUnicode object[] no An array of objects to override named HTML codes to their unicode equivalents.
overrides object[] no An array of HTML elements to override during rendering.

This control uses the markdown-to-jsx component to render safe HTML. For more information and advanced settings, please refer to the markdown-to-jsx documentation