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Graph Mail Folders

More information can be found in the official Graph documentation:

Selective Imports Banner

Get Mail folder listing

import { graphfi } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/users";
import "@pnp/graph/mail";

const graph = graphfi(...);

// This can be any folder id or Well-known folder names
const currentUserInbox = await"inbox")();

// Get folders
const folders = await;

// Get folders and include hidden folders
const allFolders = await;

Get Specific Folder by Id or Well0know folder name

import { graphfi } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/users";
import "@pnp/graph/mail";

const graph = graphfi(...);

// Get folder by Well-known folder names
const currentUserInbox = await"inbox")();

// Get folders
const folders = await;
// Get folder by folder id
const currentUserFolder = await[0].id)();

Get Folders - Delta

import { graphfi } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/users";
import "@pnp/graph/mail";
import {IMailFolderDelta} from "@pnp/graph/mail"

const graph = graphfi(...);

const currentUser =;

// retrieve a list of mail folder changes
const folders = await;

//You can also loop through the delta changes using the async iterator
const folders =;
for await (const f of folders) {
    // array of changes

Add Folder or Search Folder

import { graphfi } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/users";
import "@pnp/graph/mail";

const graph = graphfi(...);

// Add Mail Folder
const draftFolder: IMailFolder = {
    displayName: "PnP Test Folder",
    isHidden: false,

const folder = await graph.users.getById(testUserName).mailFolders.add(draftFolder);

// Add Child Folder

const childFolder = await graph.users.getById(testUserName).mailFolders.getById({mailFolderId}).childFolders.add(draftFolder);

// Add Search Folder
const currentUserInbox = await"inbox")();

const draftSearchFolder: IMailSearchFolder = {
    displayName: "PnP Test Search Folder",
    sourceFolderIds: [],
    filterQuery: "{Your Query Goes Here}"

const searchFolder = await graph.users.getById(testUserName).mailFolders.getById(;

Update Folder

import { graphfi } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/users";
import "@pnp/graph/mail";

const graph = graphfi(...);

const folder = await graph.users.getById(testUserName).mailFolders.update({displayName: "New Display Name"});

Delete Folder

import { graphfi } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/users";
import "@pnp/graph/mail";

const graph = graphfi(...);

await graph.users.getById(testUserName).mailFolders.getById({mailFolderId}).delete();

Copy/Move Folder

import { graphfi } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/users";
import "@pnp/graph/mail";

const graph = graphfi(...);

const destinationFolderId = "...";
// Move folder to destination folder
await graph.users.getById(testUserName).mailFolders.getById({mailFolderId}).move(destinationFolderId);
// Copy folder to destination folder
await graph.users.getById(testUserName).mailFolders.getById({mailFolderId}).copy(destinationFolderId);

Get Child Folders

import { graphfi } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/users";
import "@pnp/graph/mail";

const graph = graphfi(...);

await graph.users.getById(testUserName).mailFolders.getById({mailFolderId}).childFolders();

Get Folder's Messages

import { graphfi } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/users";
import "@pnp/graph/mail";

const graph = graphfi(...);

await graph.users.getById(testUserName).mailFolders.getById({mailFolderId}).messages();


For more information on Messages