CLI for Microsoft 365 v7.7
We have just published a new minor version of CLI for Microsoft 365. CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line tool that allows you to manage your Microsoft 365 tenant and SharePoint Framework projects. This minor release introduces several new commands that will enhance the quality of your Microsoft 365 experience.
Explore the release notes to discover an array of exciting features and improvements that will revolutionize your Microsoft 365 journey.
What’s new
New Microsoft Entra Privileged Identity Management commands
Microsoft Entra Privileged Identity Management (PIM) is a service in Microsoft Entra ID that enables you to manage, control, and monitor access to important resources in your organization. These resources include resources in Microsoft Entra ID, Azure, and other Microsoft Online Services such as Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Intune.
This release of CLI for Microsoft 365 includes the introduction of the Privileged Identity Management (PIM) commands that allow you to manage the PIM settings for users and groups in your Microsoft Entra tenant.
For requesting activation of an Entra role assignment for a user or group, run:
m365 entra pim role assignment add --roleDefinitionName 'SharePoint Administrator'
For retrieving list of Entra role assignments for a user or group, run:
m365 entra pim role assignment list
For more information check the following resources:
New SharePoint Embedded Container Commands
Microsoft SharePoint Embedded is a cloud-based file and document management system suitable for use in any application. SharePoint Embedded is a new API-only solution that enables app developers to harness the power of the Microsoft 365 file and document storage platform for any app, and is suitable for enterprises building line-of-business applications and ISVs building multitenant applications.
This release of CLI for Microsoft 365 includes introduction of SharePoint Embedded (SPE) container commands which will have various commands which will help you to manage your containers.
To create a new Container Type for your app, run:
m365 spe containertype add --name 'trial container' --applicationId '1b3b8660-9a44-4a7c-9c02-657f3ff5d5ac' --trial
For more information check the following resources:
SharePoint Commands
ContentType Sync Commands
We have added a new command that adds a published content type from the content type hub to a site or syncs its latest changes. This command will be useful if you want to push the changes that you have done in the Content type hub to the sites where the content type is being used.
For publishing the content type or syncing the changes, run:
m365 spo contenttype sync —webUrl https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/sales --id 0x01007926A45D687BA842B947286090B8F67D
For more information, refer the documentation for m365 spo contenttype sync
What’s changed
Besides all these new commands, we’ve also made some changes to the existing commands. A few bugs have been fixed and the codebase has been polished. Changes includes the enhancement in SharePoint Framework commands, SharePoint Online commands and many other commands.
SharePoint Framework Commands
We have extended the SharePoint Framework commands so that it supports the latest beta version of the SharePoint Framework which is v1.19.0-beta.0
. For more information on the commands, refer to the documentation,
SharePoint Online Commands
We have also fixed a few bugs for the SharePoint Online commands and added new features to the existing commands. Some of the commands which we have modified include m365 spo page set
, m365 spo site hubsite connect
, and spo site hubsite disconnect
. For more information on the commands, refer to the documentation,
Entra App and User Commands
We have extended m365 entra app add
and m365 entra app set
so that it will also accept allowPublicClientFlow as an option. We have extended Entra User List command m365 entra user list
with type option.
For more information on the commands, refer the documentation,
Apart from the above changes, we have also optimized the command code base and fixed some bugs. If you are eager to go over all of the details and improvements added in this release, do not hesitate to check out the release notes to find out more.
Upcoming changes
Curious about what lies ahead? We are excited to share some of our ongoing projects and initiatives. We have some commands pertaining to Microsoft Entra Privileged Identity Management (PIM) and SharePoint Embedded (SPE) which are in the pipeline and will be released in the upcoming versions.
Right now, there are over 49 opened PRs with new awesome features that will soon be added to CLI for Microsoft 365, and 58 issues that are up for grabs. We’re working hard to bring you even more exciting features and improvements in the next release.
But we don’t stop there. We value your input and ideas. If you have any suggestions for new commands, don’t hesitate to share them with us. Create a new issue on our GitHub Issues list or join our vibrant community Discord server to engage in discussions.
Sharing is Caring!
We want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to the incredible individuals who have made this release possible. Without their valuable contributions and dedication, CLI for Microsoft 365 wouldn’t be where it is today. Let’s give a round of applause to the following contributors (in alphabetical order):
- Adam Wójcik
- Jasey Waegebaert
- Martin Lingstuyl
- Martin Machacek
- Mathijs Verbeeck
- Michał Kornet
- Milan Holemans
- Nanddeep Nachan
- Nico De Cleyre
- Waldek Mastykarz
High fives
We would like to give a big shoutout and high fives to the amazing individuals who have shared their invaluable feedback and ideas for improving CLI for Microsoft 365. We greatly appreciate your engagement and contribution to the growth of our platform. Let’s celebrate the following users (in alphabetical order) for taking the time to provide us with their insights:
Get Started Today!
Experience the power of the CLI for Microsoft 365 by getting the latest release from npm:
npm i -g @pnp/cli-microsoft365
Alternatively, you can access the latest release from Docker:
docker run --rm -it m365pnp/cli-microsoft365:latest
Need More Information?
For additional guidance on getting started or to explore detailed information about commands, architecture, or the project itself, visit aka.ms/cli-m365.
Stay Connected!
We value your feedback and are eager to hear from you. If you have any suggestions for improvement or want to engage with our community, you can reach out to us on GitHub, Discord, or X. Don’t hesitate to connect with us. Your input plays a vital role in shaping the future of CLI for Microsoft 365.