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entra app set

Updates Entra app registration


m365 entra app set [options]


m365 aad app set [options]
m365 entra appregistration set [options]


--appId [appId]

Application (client) ID of the Entra application registration to update. Specify either appId, objectId or name.

--objectId [objectId]

Object ID of the Entra application registration to update. Specify either appId, objectId or name.

--name [name]

Name of the Entra application registration to update. Specify either appId, objectId or name.

-u, --uris [uris]

Comma-separated list of Application ID URIs to update.

-r, --redirectUris [redirectUris]

Comma-separated list of redirect URIs to add to the app registration. Requires platform to be specified.

-p, --platform [platform]

Platform for which the redirectUri should be configured. Allowed values spa, web, publicClient.

--redirectUrisToRemove [redirectUrisToRemove]

Comma-separated list of existing redirect URIs to remove. Specify, when you want to replace existing redirect URIs with another.

--certificateFile [certificateFile]

Path to the file with certificate public key. Specify either certificateFile or certificateBase64Encoded.

--certificateBase64Encoded [certificateBase64Encoded]

Base64-encoded string with certificate public key. Specify either certificateFile or certificateBase64Encoded.

--certificateDisplayName [certificateDisplayName]

Display name for the certificate. If not given, the displayName will be set to the certificate subject. When specified, also specify either certificateFile or certificateBase64Encoded.

--allowPublicClientFlows [allowPublicClientFlows]

Set to true or false to toggle the allow public client flows feature on the app registration.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


For best performance use the objectId option to reference the Entra application registration to update. If you use appId or name, this command will first need to find the corresponding object ID for that application.

If the command finds multiple Entra application registrations with the specified app name, it will prompt you to disambiguate which app it should use, listing the discovered object IDs.

When a certificate is specified it will be added to the list of certificates of the app without changing existing certificates.


Update the app URI of the Entra application registration specified by its object ID

m365 entra app set --objectId d75be2e1-0204-4f95-857d-51a37cf40be8 --uris

Update the app URI of the Entra application registration specified by its app (client) ID

m365 entra app set --appId e75be2e1-0204-4f95-857d-51a37cf40be8 --uris

Update the app URI of the Entra application registration specified by its name

m365 entra app set --name "My app" --uris

Add a new redirect URI for SPA authentication

m365 entra app set --objectId 95cfe30d-ed44-4f9d-b73d-c66560f72e83 --redirectUris --platform spa

Replace one redirect URI with another for SPA authentication

m365 entra app set --objectId 95cfe30d-ed44-4f9d-b73d-c66560f72e83 --redirectUris --platform spa --redirectUrisToRemove

Add a certificate to the app

m365 entra app set --appId e75be2e1-0204-4f95-857d-51a37cf40be8 --certificateDisplayName "Some certificate name" --certificateFile "c:\temp\some-certificate.cer"

Enable the allow public client flows feature on the app registration

m365 entra app set --appId e75be2e1-0204-4f95-857d-51a37cf40be8 --allowPublicClientFlows true


The command won't return a response on success.