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adaptivecard send

Sends adaptive card to the specified URL


m365 adaptivecard send [options]


-u, --url <url>

URL where to send the card to.

-t, --title [title]

Title of the card. Specify either title or card but not both.

-d, --description [description]

Contents of the card.

-i, --imageUrl [imageUrl]

URL of the image to include on the card.

-a, --actionUrl [actionUrl]

URL that users should be sent to after clicking the View button on the card.

--card [card]

Card definition. Specify either title or card but not both.

--cardData [cardData]

Card data. If your card is a card template, using cardData you can apply data to it. If you specify cardData, unknown options will be ignored.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


Using this command you can send either a predefined or a custom adaptive card to the specified URL. To send a predefined adaptive card, specify one or more options: title, description, imageUrl, actionUrl. To specify a custom card, specify the card's JSON contents using the card option.

When sending both predefined and custom cards, you can specify arbitrary options. With predefined cards, these options will be listed in a FactSet. With custom card, you control how the data will be presented on the card.

The predefined card is automatically adjusted based on which options have been specified (title, description, imageUrl, actionUrl). If you don't specify a particular option, that portion of the card will not be included in the sent card.

If your custom card is a card template (card with placeholders like ${title}), you can fill it with data either by specifying the complete data object using the cardData option, or by passing any number of arbitrary options that will be mapped onto the card. The arbitrary properties should not match any of the global options like output, query, debug, etc. Data options like title, description, imageUrl and actionUrl will be mapped onto the card as well.

Escaping JSON in PowerShell

When using the --card and --cardData options it's possible to enter a JSON string. In PowerShell 5 to 7.2 specific escaping rules apply due to an issue. Remember that you can also use file tokens instead.


Send a predefined adaptive card with just title.

m365 adaptivecard send --url --title "CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4"

Send a predefined adaptive card with just description.

m365 adaptivecard send --url --description "New release of CLI for Microsoft 365"

Send card with title and description.

m365 adaptivecard send --url --title "CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4" --description "New release of CLI for Microsoft 365"

Send card with title, description, and image.

m365 adaptivecard send --url --title "CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4" --description "New release of CLI for Microsoft 365" --imageUrl ""

Send card with title, description, and action.

m365 adaptivecard send --url --title "CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4" --description "New release of CLI for Microsoft 365" --actionUrl ""

Send card with title, description, image, and action.

m365 adaptivecard send --url --title "CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4" --description "New release of CLI for Microsoft 365" --imageUrl "" --actionUrl ""

Send card with title, description, action, and unknown options.

m365 adaptivecard send --url --title "CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4" --description "New release of CLI for Microsoft 365" --actionUrl "" --Version "v3.4.0" --ReleaseNotes ""

Send custom card without any data.

m365 adaptivecard send --url --card '{"type":"AdaptiveCard","body":[{"type":"TextBlock","size":"Medium","weight":"Bolder","text":"CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4"},{"type":"TextBlock","text":"New release of CLI for Microsoft 365","wrap":true}],"actions":[{"type":"Action.OpenUrl","title":"View","url":""}],"$schema":"","version":"1.2"}'

Send custom card with just title merged.

m365 adaptivecard send --url --card '{"type":"AdaptiveCard","body":[{"type":"TextBlock","size":"Medium","weight":"Bolder","text":"${title}"}],"$schema":"","version":"1.2"}' --title "CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4"

Send custom card with all known options merged.

m365 adaptivecard send --url --card '{"type":"AdaptiveCard","body":[{"type":"TextBlock","size":"Medium","weight":"Bolder","text":"${title}"},{"type":"TextBlock","text":"${description}","wrap":true},{"type":"FactSet","facts":[{"$data":"${properties}","title":"${key}:","value":"${value}"}]}],"actions":[{"type":"Action.OpenUrl","title":"View","url":"${actionUrl}"}],"$schema":"","version":"1.2"}' --title "CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4" --description "New release of CLI for Microsoft 365" --imageUrl "" --actionUrl ""

Send custom card with unknown option merged.

m365 adaptivecard send --url --card '{"type":"AdaptiveCard","body":[{"type":"TextBlock","size":"Medium","weight":"Bolder","text":"${Title}"}],"$schema":"","version":"1.2"}' --Title "CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4"

Send custom card with card data.

m365 adaptivecard send --url --card '{"type":"AdaptiveCard","body":[{"type":"TextBlock","size":"Medium","weight":"Bolder","text":"${title}"},{"type":"TextBlock","text":"${description}","wrap":true},{"type":"FactSet","facts":[{"$data":"${properties}","title":"${key}:","value":"${value}"}]}],"actions":[{"type":"Action.OpenUrl","title":"View","url":"${viewUrl}"}],"$schema":"","version":"1.2"}' --cardData '{"title":"Publish Adaptive Card Schema","description":"Now that we have defined the main rules and features of the format, we need to produce a schema and publish it to GitHub. The schema will be the starting point of our reference documentation.","creator":{"name":"Matt Hidinger","profileImage":""},"createdUtc":"2017-02-14T06:08:39Z","viewUrl":"","properties":[{"key":"Board","value":"Adaptive Cards"},{"key":"List","value":"Backlog"},{"key":"Assigned to","value":"Matt Hidinger"},{"key":"Due date","value":"Not set"}]}'


If the response is successful, it will return the body of the response.