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exo approleassignment add

Grants permissions to an application that's accessing data in Exchange Online and specify which mailboxes an app can access.


m365 exo approleassignment add [options]


--roleDefinitionId [roleDefinitionId]

Id of a role to be assigned. Specify either roleDefinitionId or roleDefinitionName, but not both.

--roleDefinitionName [roleDefinitionName]

Name of a role to be assigned. Specify either roleDefinitionId or roleDefinitionName, but not both.

--principalId [principalId]

Id of a service principal to which the assignment is granted. Specify either principalId or principalName, but not both.

--principalName [principalName]

Name of a service principal to which the assignment is granted. Specify either principalId or principalName, but not both.

-s, --scope <scope>

Scope of the roleassignment. Allowed values are: tenant, administrativeUnit, group, user, custom.

--userId [userId]

Id of a user to which the assignment is scoped. Specify either userId or userName when scope is set to user.

--userName [userName]

UPN of a user to which the assignment is scoped. Specify either userId or userName when scope is set to user.

--groupId [groupId]

Id of a group to which the assignment is scoped. Specify either groupId or groupName when scope is set to group.

--groupName [groupName]

Name of a group to which the assignment is scoped. Specify either groupId or groupName when scope is set to group.

--administrativeUnitId [administrativeUnitId]

Id of an administrative unit to which the assignment is scoped. Specify either administrativeUnitId or administrativeUnitName when scope is set to administrativeUnit.

--administrativeUnitName [administrativeUnitName]

Name of an administrative unit to which the assignment is scoped. Specify either administrativeUnitId or administrativeUnitName when scope is set to administrativeUnit.

--customAppScopeId [customAppScopeId]

Id of a custom application scope to which the assignment is scoped. Specify either customAppScopeId or customAppScopeName when scope is set to custom.

--customAppScopeName [customAppScopeName]

Name of a custom application scope to which the assignment is scoped. Specify either customAppScopeId or customAppScopeName when scope is set to custom.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.



To use this command you must be at least Privileged Role Administrator.


Assign a role specified by id to a service principal specified by id and scope the assignment to the whole tenant

m365 exo approleassignment add --roleDefinitionId 777b752-f9b7-4205-a2b1-5db0d6a0ccfc --principalId 7a2ca997-9461-402e-9882-58088a370889 --scope tenant

Assign a role specified by id to a service principal specified by id and scope the assignment to a user specified by id

m365 exo approleassignment add --roleDefinitionId 777b752-f9b7-4205-a2b1-5db0d6a0ccfc --principalId 7a2ca997-9461-402e-9882-58088a370889 --scope user --userId a4738dd8-fc0f-4646-87fb-47539f5c651b

Assign a role specified by name to a service principal specified by name and scope the assignment to a group specified by name

m365 exo approleassignment add --roleDefinitionName 'Application Contacts.ReadWrite' --principalName 'ContactsSyncApp' --scope group --groupName 'Marketing'

Assign a role specified by name to a service principal specified by id and scope the assignment to an administrative unit specified by name

m365 exo approleassignment add --roleDefinitionName 'Application Calendars.Read' --principalId fa631c4d-ac9f-4884-a7f5-13c659d177e3 --scope administrativeUnit --administrativeUnitName 'Equipment - EMEA'


"id": "6615d221-3834-4f8f-bbc9-7d0d23620a8e",
"principalId": "/ServicePrincipals/e483a0d9-8440-455e-8f9a-b9cac6b8b0ef",
"roleDefinitionId": "1f704712-7d46-481f-b2cd-dbcc978c4f2a",
"directoryScopeId": "/",
"appScopeId": null

More information

The table below lists the available roles and their corresponding ids that are accepted by the roleDefinitionId and roleDefinitionName parameters.

Role Definition IdRole Definition Name
1f704712-7d46-481f-b2cd-dbcc978c4f2aApplication Mail.Read
3eca55c8-0e73-4c12-81bf-526549f2e5a3Application Mail.ReadBasic
82fd214e-61ca-4dc7-98f6-090700bdb205Application Mail.ReadWrite
8679f4ff-c91d-40d0-809c-c86d114821a5Application Mail.Send
c40299e0-2107-455f-85dd-6e8862c3a0ccApplication MailboxSettings.Read
459cb245-07c5-44f1-8133-3da40b4b6197Application MailboxSettings.ReadWrite
a3123d4e-4256-4ad0-bef0-205a00807faeApplication Calendars.Read
b92761c0-5311-4908-92ca-2c1f8c71aa1cApplication Calendars.ReadWrite
9b87c446-d3c1-4146-9d39-45ae63b4eeb7Application Contacts.Read
265cabb3-13d9-4e05-b2cd-460cfa7ad3ccApplication Contacts.ReadWrite
b49ae303-7a8f-4ba1-aa37-27b40461aabbApplication Mail Full Access
48d6a78c-0681-4d73-acec-9f9ffad56ddbApplication Exchange Full Access

More info about supported application roles: