Microsoft 365 & Power Platform Development Community call - 21st of July, 2022

Microsoft 365 & Power Platform Development Community call - 21st of July, 2022

  • VesaJuvonen Vesa Juvonen
  • 8 minutes to read
  • 21 Jul, 2022
    • Microsoft 365 and power platform development community call
  • Views (daily/total)

Call summary

Welcome to the bi-weekly call focused on Microsoft 365 platform development topics. In this call, we focus on Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Graph, Power Platform, SharePoint, Microsoft Lists with topics ranging from development tools to list and column formatting, to site design and provisioning, and more.

New this week


  • Document automation using Microsoft SharePoint Syntex Content Assembly - the content lifecycle broadly includes content understanding, discovery and assembly. Today’s Syntax AI assisted focus is on content assembly capabilities namely content use/response generation and content creation from extracted insights. Build a content assembly contract template. In template, add content placeholders – for name, address. Road map includes reuse placeholders, templatizing tables and images, using field values as document metadata, and automating document generation with Power Automate.
  • Building a conversational tab in a Microsoft Teams app that captures external event conversations – in a Microsoft Teams channel tab, create a conversation about an external event like an incident ticket including conversation’s context. Implementation - get Service URL from bot install activity, create a conversation using a Bot ConnectorClient, send conversationId to tab to be used in conversational tabs, and open conversation in Tab side panel. CodeTour walk through of presenter’s proof-of-concept sample.
  • Use folders to create a dynamic list filter and Power Automate to populate folders and create pages - receive e-mail, add details to list, display item details in manually formatted page. Automate this process with a flow that creates a folder for each new list item and moves the list item into the folder using the Power Automate template - When a new item is added in SharePoint, complete a custom action. Presenter configures flow that includes updating list with page URL and metadata.

The host of this call was David Warner II (Microsoft) | @DavidWarnerII. Q&A takes place in chat throughout the call.

Agenda items

  • PnP .NET library updates - Paolo Pialorsi ( | @paolopia – 5:28
  • Microsoft Graph Toolkit updates - David Warner II (Microsoft) | @DavidWarnerII – 6:31
  • Independent Publisher Connectors - Natalie Pienkowska (Microsoft) | @NataliePienkow1 – 7:07
  • Microsoft Script Samples - David Warner II (Microsoft) | @DavidWarnerII – 8:41
  • Microsoft Teams Samples - Bob German (Microsoft) @Bob1German – 9:23
  • Microsoft Power Platform Samples - David Warner II (Microsoft) | @DavidWarnerII – 10:35
  • Demo - Document automation using Microsoft SharePoint Syntex Content Assembly – Ankit Rastogi (Microsoft) – 12:14
  • Demo - Building a conversational tab in a Microsoft Teams app that captures external event conversations - Eoin O’Brien (Microsoft) – 20:53
  • Demo - Use folders to create a dynamic list filter and Power Automate to populate folders and create pages - Chris Kent (DMI) | @theChrisKent – 34:18


Demo references

Thank you for your great work. Samples are often showcased in Demos. Request a Demo spot on the call

Open-source project status

ProjectCurrent VersionRelease/Status
PnP .NET Libraries - PnP Frameworkv1.10.0 GAPrepping 1.11.0 (after summer break)
PnP .NET Libraries - PnP Core SDKv1.7.0 GAPrepping for 1.8.0 (after summer break)
Microsoft 365 Assessment toolv1.0.0 (SharePoint Syntex Assessment)Successor to the Modernization Scanner tool
PnP PowerShellv1.11.0 GA
Yo teams - generator-teamsv4.0.0 GA
Yo teams - yoteams-build-corev1.7.0 GA
Yo teams – yoteams-deployv1.2.0 GA
Yo teams - msteams-react-base-componentv3.1.1 GA
Microsoft Graph Toolkit (MGT)v2.6.0 GA

General resources

Upcoming calls | Recurrent invites


Microsoft 365 Development Community bi-weekly calls are targeted at anyone who’s interested in the general Microsoft 365 development topics. This includes Microsoft Teams, Bots, Microsoft Graph, CSOM, REST, site provisioning, PnP PowerShell, PnP Sites Core, Site Designs, Power Automate, Power Apps, Column Formatting, List formatting, etc. topics. More details on the Microsoft 365 community from We also welcome community demos, if you are interested in doing a live demo in these calls!

You can download recurrent invite from Welcome and join in the discussion. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, feel free to provide your input as comments below this post as well. More details on the Microsoft 365 community and options to get involved are available from

“Sharing is caring”

Microsoft 365 Community (PnP) team, Microsoft - 21st of July 2022