Viva Connections & SharePoint Framework Community Call – 6th of October, 2022
Call summary
Welcome to the bi-weekly call focused on Microsoft 365 client-side development. In this call, we focus on using Viva Connections and SharePoint Framework to build solutions for Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Online.
New this week
- Agenda set for next Microsoft 365 platform call - Tuesday, October 11th, 8:00 am PT.
- Latest news from Microsoft engineering on Microsoft 365 topics
- Monthly community contributors
- Samriddhi Seth, Cameron Parker - Introduction to Records Management APIs on Microsoft Graph
- Garry Trinder, Ayca Bas - Build your first Command bot for Microsoft Teams with Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code
- Microsoft Viva Home experience
- OnDemand Digital Event – Empowering Your Workforce in Economic Uncertainty
- Microsoft Viva Blog | aka.ms/microsoftviva/blog
- Project releases
- CLI for Microsoft 365 – v5.8.0 (GA)
- Reusable SPFx React Controls – v3.11.0 (GA)
- Reusable SPFx React Property Controls – v3.10.0 (GA)
- Microsoft 365 PnP Weekly – Episode 181 (October 3rd) with Belgium based Senior Service Engineer Bert Jansen (Microsoft) | @O365Bert. | video | podcast
- Microsoft 365 PnP Weekly – Episode 180 (September 26th) with UK based Independent consultant and Microsoft MVP - Chirag Patel (Patel Consulting) | @techChirag | video | podcast
- Building a Help Desk Adaptive Card Extension for Microsoft Viva – showcasing 2 Helpdesk related ACE samples - Help Ticket and Pending Helpdesk Tickets (for tracking tickets assigned to support person) to demonstrate how to leverage multiple quick card views, geo-location functionality, media upload functionality, and movement between cards. Walk through ACE code in Visual Studio Code and wrap with Q&A and supporting resources. On card, collect incident type, priority, location and images.
- Getting started on building SPFx solutions with reusable open-source controls – controls for web parts and web part property panes. Step through where to find and how to install in your project. As easy as copy code from library, paste in web part, tweak default control configuration as needed. Fork the Repo to get started. Controls shown PropertyFieldEnterpriseTermPicker, PropertyFieldInconPicker, PropertyFieldRoleDefinitionPicker, PropertyFieldCollectioonData, MyTeams and WebPartTitle. Test controls using the Controls Test web part. All controls well documented.
The host of this call is Paolo Pialorsi (PiaSys.com) @paolopia. Q&A takes place as always in chat throughout the call.
Agenda items
- SharePoint Framework – Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) | @vesajuvonen – 5:45
- PnPjs Client-Side Libraries - Julie Turner (Sympraxis Consulting) | @jfj1997 – 7:55
- CLI for Microsoft 365 - Garry Trinder (CPS Solutions) | @garrytrinder – 9:52
- PnP SPFx Controls - Paolo Pialorsi (PiaSys.com) @paolopia – 12:28
- PnP Modern Search - Paolo Pialorsi (PiaSys.com) @paolopia – 13:33
- PnP Samples - David Warner II (Microsoft) | @DavidWarnerI – 14:24
- Demo – Building a Help Desk Adaptive Card Extension for Microsoft Viva – Derek Cash-Peterson (Sympraxis Consulting) | @spdcp – 16:44
- Demo – Getting started on building SPFx solutions with reusable open-source controls – Joel Rodrigues (Storm Technology) | @JoelFMRodrigues – 32:30
Together Mode

Thank you for filling the together mode auditorium, yet again! Great seeing you on the call today. Please keep the feedback coming and join us again soon.
- Register for Microsoft Ignite – October 12-14, 2022. Attendance options: Online, in-person in Redmond and selected geographies (local language) as well.
- Opt into the PnP Recognition Program | aka.ms/m365pnp-recognition
- Register for upcoming Sharing is Caring events:
- Maturity Model Practitioners | Tuesday, October 18th, 7am PST – Download reoccurring invite.
- PnP Office Hours – 1:1 session | Register
- PnP Buddy System | Request a Buddy
- Register for the Microsoft 365 Developer Program and get a free developer tenant
- Get started with free training modules covering Microsoft 365 platform capabilities.
- Visit the Microsoft 365 Unified Sample Solution Gallery from Microsoft and community.
- Request a Demo spot on the call | https://aka.ms/m365pnp/request/demo
- Download the recurrent invite for this call | https://aka.ms/spdev-spfx-call
Demo references
- Building a Help Desk Adaptive Card Extension for Microsoft Viva
- Samples - ace-designtemplate-gallery
- AppSource - Adaptive Card Extension Design Gallery
- Repo - SharePoint Framework Reference Samples
- Getting started on building SPFx solutions with reusable open-source controls
Thank you for your great work. Samples are often showcased in Demos.
Open-source project status
PnP Project | Current version | Release/Status |
SharePoint Framework (SPFx) | v1.15.2 GA, v1.16 (Preview) | v1.16 (GA) end of 2022, v1.17 Preview December/January |
PnPjs Client-Side Libraries | v3.7.0 GA, v2.13 GA | v3.8 to be released October 14 |
CLI for Microsoft 365 | v4.3.0 GA, v5.8.0 GA | v6.0.0 ETA November 2022 |
Reusable SPFx React Controls | v3.11.0, v2.9.0 (SPFx v1.11) | new version in 2 weeks |
Reusable SPFx React Property Controls | v3.10.0, v2.7.0 (SPFx v1.11) | new version in 2 weeks |
PnP SPFx Generator | v1.16.0 | v1.17.0 on the way |
PnP Modern Search | v4.7.0 (GA), v4.8.0 (beta), v3.23.0 (GA) |
General Resources
- Viva Connections https://aka.ms/VivaConnections
- Archives - Microsoft 365 PnP Weekly - Videos, Podcasts
- Tools - Teams Toolkit (v2.2 Preview)
- Tools - Microsoft Teams Framework (TeamsFx)
- Gallery - Microsoft 365 Extensibility look book gallery
- Microsoft Build sessions guide (Modern Work Digital Brochure) - aka.ms/modernworkbuildsessions
- SharePoint Framework - v1.12.1 npm install –g @microsoft/generator-sharepoint@next
- CLI for Microsoft 365 v3
- CodeTour
- Sharing is Caring | aka.ms/sharing-is-caring
- Tools - PnP Modern Search v4 | https://aka.ms/pnp-search
- M365 PnP site | aka.ms/m365pnp
- SharePoint Starter Kit v2
- Blog: “A Lap Around Microsoft Graph Toolkit” blog series
- New Microsoft 365 Patterns and Practices (PnP) team model with new community leads
- Microsoft 365 Community Content (non-Dev docs)
- PnP SPFx web part samples
- PnP SPFx extension samples
- GitHub PnPjs
- Tutorials - Getting started with SharePoint Framework v1.10 Tutorials (12 videos)
- Tutorials - Getting started with SharePoint Framework v1.10 Extensions (6 videos)
- Docs - Tutorials and training material for SharePoint Development
- SPFX Training Package
- SPFx Web Parts
- SPFx Extensions
- SPFx Library Components
- Documentation - PnPjs v2 documentation
- Link - Microsoft 365 developer training
- Link - Office 365 Developer Program
- Latest documentation on SharePoint Framework
- Found an issue with SharePoint Dev? - please let us know at https://aka.ms/spdev-issues
- Reusable web part property controls
- Reusable react controls for SharePoint Framework solutions
- Reusable controls webcast
- CLI for Microsoft 365
- PnP SPFx Yeoman Generator - Extends the out-of-the-box experience with open-source community capabilities
- SharePoint Dev UserVoice - for new feature requests
Other mentioned topics
Upcoming calls | Recurrent invites
- Microsoft 365 platform call | Tuesday, October 11, 8:00 am PT – https://aka.ms/m365-dev-call (weekly)
- Office add-in monthly call | Wednesday, October 12, 8:00 am PT - https://aka.ms/officeaddinscall (monthly)
- Microsoft 365 General Dev call | Thursday, October 13, 7:00 am PT - https://aka.ms/m365-dev-sig (bi-weekly)
- Adaptive Cards monthly call | Thursday, October 13, 9:00 am PT - https://aka.ms/adaptivecardscommunitycall (monthly)
- Power Platform monthly call | Wednesday, October 19, 8:00 am PT - https://aka.ms/PowerAppsMonthlyCall (monthly)
- Viva Connections & SharePoint Framework call | Thursday, October 20, 7:00 am PT - https://aka.ms/spdev-spfx-call (bi-weekly)
- Microsoft Identity Platform call | Thursday, October 20, 9:00 am PT - https://aka.ms/IDDevCommunityCalendar (monthly)
Viva Connections & SharePoint Framework bi-weekly calls are targeted at anyone who is interested in the JavaScript-based development towards Microsoft Connections, Microsoft Teams, SharePoint Online, and also on-premises. Calls are used for the following objectives.
- SharePoint Framework engineering update from Microsoft
- Talk about PnP JavaScript Core libraries
- CLI for Microsoft 365 Updates
- SPFx reusable controls
- PnP SPFx Yeoman generator
- Share code samples and best practices
- Possible engineering asks for the field - input, feedback, and suggestions
- Cover any open questions on the client-side development
- Demonstrate SharePoint Framework in practice in Microsoft Viva, Microsoft Teams or SharePoint context
- You can download a recurrent invite from https://aka.ms/spdev-spfx-call. Welcome and join the discussion!
“Sharing is caring”
Microsoft 365 PnP team, Microsoft - 6th of October 2022