A collection of resources for Microsoft 365 developers

A collection of resources for Microsoft 365 developers

  • eli-schei Eli Schei
  • 3 minutes to read
  • 26 Jun, 2022
    • Community post
  • Views (daily/total)

Being a Microsoft 365 developer can mean a lot of things. Backend, frontend, low-code, nocode. Teams, SharePoint, Power Apps, Office… and so on. And it can be hard to navigate the ocean of good resources for Microsoft 365 developers on each of these topics. Thats why I have been collecting resources for a while now, and I thought it was about time I share them with you!

This collection lists the resources I myself have found usefull in my day to day work. I have not worked with every different type of “M365 development” so some sections might be lacking, and some won’t be here at all.

And I’m sure there are a lot of other good resources out there too that I have never had the pleasure of stumbeling upon, so please drop a comment below if you have some you’d like to share!

Some resources may appear multiple times if they are relevant in different categories.

Common resources for Microsoft 365 developers

Youtube channels


Keep up to date with what is moving in the community by listening to podcasts

Other resources

SharePoint framework (SPfx) resources

Getting started with SPfx

Extensions / helpfull tools


Other resources

Microsoft Graph resources





Teams development resources

Tip, you can use SPfx to develop Teams apps, so have a look at the SPfx resources too.

Getting started

Manage apps, and app settings in tenant

Power Apps and Power Apps Component framework (PCF) resources

Getting started with Power Apps

Getting started with PCF

Youtube videos

Other resources

Do you know of any other resources that should be on this list?

Leave a comment below, or fork this blogs gitbub repo and add them yourself (Here is the guidance on how to contribute)