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entra m365group add

Creates a Microsoft 365 Group


m365 entra m365group add [options]


m365 aad m365group add [options]


-n, --displayName <displayName>

Display name for the Microsoft 365 Group.

-m, --mailNickname <mailNickname>

Name to use in the group e-mail (part before the @).

-d, --description [description]

Description for the Microsoft 365 Group.

--owners [owners]

Comma-separated list of Microsoft 365 Group owners.

--members [members]

Comma-separated list of Microsoft 365 Group members.

--visibility [visibility]

Specifies the group join policy and group content visibility for groups. Allowed values: Private, Public, or HiddenMembership. Defaults to Public.

--allowMembersToPost [allowMembersToPost]

Set if only group members should be able to post conversations to the group.

--hideGroupInOutlook [hideGroupInOutlook]

Set to hide the group in Outlook experiences.

--subscribeNewGroupMembers [subscribeNewGroupMembers]

Set to subscribe all new group members to receive group conversation emails when new messages are posted in the group.

--welcomeEmailDisabled [welcomeEmailDisabled]

Set to not send welcome emails to new group members.

-l, --logoPath [logoPath]

Local path to the image file to use as group logo.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


You cannot change the group type when you choose HiddenMembership visibility. HiddenMembership can be set only for Microsoft 365 groups, when the groups are created. It can't be updated later.

When specifying the path to the logo image you can use both relative and absolute paths. Note, that ~ in the path, will not be resolved and will most likely result in an error. If an invalid user is provided in the comma-separated list of Owners or Members, the command operation will fail and the Microsoft 365 Group will not be created.

Group visibility options:

PublicAnyone can join the group without needing owner permission. Anyone can view the attributes of the group. Anyone can see the members of the group.
PrivateOwner permission is needed to join the group. Anyone can view the attributes of the group. Anyone can see the members of the group.
HiddenMembershipOwner permission is needed to join the group. Guest users cannot view the attributes of the group. Non-members cannot see the members of the group. Administrators (global, company, user, and helpdesk) can view the membership of the group. The group appears in the global address book (GAL).


Create a public Microsoft 365 Group.

m365 entra m365group add --displayName Finance --mailNickname finance

Create a private Microsoft 365 Group.

m365 entra m365group add --displayName Finance --mailNickname finance --visibility Private

Create a public Microsoft 365 Group with description and set specified users as its owners.

m365 entra m365group add --displayName Finance --description "This is the Contoso Finance Group. Please come here and check out the latest news, posts, files, and more." --mailNickname finance --owners ","

Create a public Microsoft 365 Group with description and set specified users as its members.

m365 entra m365group add --displayName Finance --description "This is the Contoso Finance Group. Please come here and check out the latest news, posts, files, and more." --mailNickname finance --members ","

Create a public Microsoft 365 Group and allow only group members to be able to post conversations to the group.

m365 entra m365group add --displayName Finance --mailNickname finance --allowMembersToPost

Create a public Microsoft 365 Group and hide it from the Outlook experiences (web and client).

m365 entra m365group add --displayName Finance --mailNickname finance --hideGroupInOutlook

Create a public Microsoft 365 Group and subscribe all new group members to receive group conversation emails when new messages are posted in the group.

m365 entra m365group add --displayName Finance --mailNickname finance --subscribeNewGroupMembers

Create a public Microsoft 365 Group and set to not send welcome emails to new group members.

m365 entra m365group add --displayName Finance --mailNickname finance --welcomeEmailDisabled

Create a public Microsoft 365 Group and set its logo.

m365 entra m365group add --displayName Finance --mailNickname finance --logoPath images/logo.png


"id": "43159e46-373c-4151-84bd-a8cc82cee345",
"deletedDateTime": null,
"classification": null,
"createdDateTime": "2023-06-01T20:15:18Z",
"creationOptions": [],
"description": "This is the Contoso Finance Group. Please come here and check out the latest news, posts, files, and more.",
"displayName": "Finance",
"expirationDateTime": null,
"groupTypes": [
"isAssignableToRole": null,
"mail": "",
"mailEnabled": true,
"mailNickname": "finance",
"membershipRule": null,
"membershipRuleProcessingState": null,
"onPremisesDomainName": null,
"onPremisesLastSyncDateTime": null,
"onPremisesNetBiosName": null,
"onPremisesSamAccountName": null,
"onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": null,
"onPremisesSyncEnabled": null,
"preferredDataLocation": null,
"preferredLanguage": null,
"proxyAddresses": [
"renewedDateTime": "2023-06-01T20:15:18Z",
"resourceBehaviorOptions": [],
"resourceProvisioningOptions": [],
"securityEnabled": false,
"securityIdentifier": "S-1-12-1-1125490246-1095841596-3433610628-1172557442",
"theme": null,
"visibility": "Public",
"onPremisesProvisioningErrors": []