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planner task remove

Removes the Microsoft Planner task from a plan


m365 planner task remove [options]


--id [id]

ID of the task to remove. Specify either id or title but not both.

--title [title]

Title of the task to remove. Specify either id or title but not both.

--bucketId [bucketId]

ID of the bucket to which the task to remove belongs. Specify either bucketId or bucketName but not both.

--bucketName [bucketName]

Name of the bucket to which the task to remove belongs. Specify either bucketId or bucketName but not both.

--planId [planId]

ID of the plan to which the task to remove belongs. Specify either planId, planTitle, or rosterId when using title.

--planTitle [planTitle]

Title of the plan to which the task to remove belongs. Specify either planId, planTitle, or rosterId when using title.

--rosterId [rosterId]

ID of the Planner Roster. Specify either planId, planTitle, or rosterId when using title.

--ownerGroupId [ownerGroupId]

ID of the group to which the plan belongs. Specify either ownerGroupId or ownerGroupName when using planTitle.

--ownerGroupName [ownerGroupName]

Name of the group to which the plan belongs. Specify either ownerGroupId or ownerGroupName when using planTitle.

-f, --force

Don't prompt for confirmation

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.



When using rosterId, the command is based on an API that is currently in preview and is subject to change once the API reached general availability.


Removes the Microsoft Planner task by ID.

m365 planner task remove --id "2Vf8JHgsBUiIf-nuvBtv-ZgAAYw2"

Removes the Microsoft Planner task by ID without confirmation.

m365 planner task remove --id "2Vf8JHgsBUiIf-nuvBtv-ZgAAYw2" --force

Removes the Microsoft Planner task with the specified title in the bucket by ID.

m365 planner task remove --title "My Task" --bucketId "vncYUXCRBke28qMLB-d4xJcACtNz" 

Removes the Microsoft Planner task with the specified title the bucket by name in the Plan with the specified ID.

m365 planner task remove --title "My Task" --bucketName "My Bucket" --planId "oUHpnKBFekqfGE_PS6GGUZcAFY7b"

Removes the Microsoft Planner task with the specified title in the bucket with name in the Plan owned by group with the specified name.

m365 planner task remove --title "My Task" --bucketName "My Bucket" --planTitle "My Plan" --ownerGroupName "My Group"

Removes the Microsoft Planner task with the specified title in the bucket with name in the Plan owned by group with the specified ID.

m365 planner task remove --title "My Task" --bucketName "My Bucket" --planTitle "My Plan" --ownerGroupId "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Removes the Microsoft Planner task by rosterId from the specified bucket.

m365 planner task remove --title "My Task" --bucketName "My Bucket" --rosterId "8bc07d47-c06f-41e1-8f00-1c113c8f6067"


The command won't return a response on success.